Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. The article provides a comparative analysis of the original version of the criminal procedure law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, adopted in 2014, and the norms of the same law in the current version in terms of regulating the grounds and procedure for carrying out covert investigative actions. Attention is drawn to their difference from operational investigative measures that have their own legal regulation. The author also notes some similarities and differences in the legal regulation of the institution of covert (secret) investigative actions under the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Georgia. The experience of these foreign countries has been recognized as positive in terms of additional guarantees for the protection of the rights of participants in criminal proceedings. Methods. The methodological basis of the research is dialectical, logical, systemic, as well as a number of other methods of scientifi c cognition: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparison, generalization, description. Results. As a result of the conducted research, it is noted that the history of the formation and development of this legal institution is short, but it has already made it possible to identify and correct certain problems of legal regulation. Special attention is paid to possible prospects for further improvement of the procedure for conducting secret investigative actions in terms of establishing a three-tier system for authorizing their production, determining the deadline for their conduct, as well as clarifying the initial moment of the deadline for sending materials to the investigating judge to obtain authorization for the production of urgent secret investigative actions.

criminal proceedings, secret investigative actions, pretrial proceedings, investigative actions of unspoken nature

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