Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
2227-7226 (print)
Periodicity (English)

The frequency of the issue of the journal is 4 times a year, coming out in March, June, September and December. 

Russian science citation index:
Yes 36648
Russian higher attestation Commission:
Yes K3

The subject of the journal

The journal “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad Branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” publishes the results of original fundamental and applied scientific research on legal and pedagogical problems in relation to law enforcement.


The criteria for selecting articles are compliance with the profile of the journal, novelty, relevance and validity of the results. The submitted manuscripts are not returned. It is not allowed to send to the editorial office works that have been published and/or accepted for publication in other periodicals. By submitting an article to the editorial office, the author agrees to the editorial revision of the material.

All materials submitted to the editorial office are checked for borrowings from open sources, verification is carried out using the Anti-Plagiarism system.

There is no fee for publishing articles.

Articles submitted to the editorial office are registered on the day of submission of the application on the journal's website. If the article is returned to the author for revision, then the date of its registration is the day of receipt of the final text.

The articles submitted to the editorial office are reviewed.

The editorial board reserves the right to literary editing of the article.

Materials not accepted for publication will not be returned to the authors.


Language and geography of the journal

The language of the journal is Russian. The metadata of the article is published in Russian and English. The geography of the journal's authorship covers both Russian and foreign authors.


Technical requirements for articles

The volume of the text part of the scientific article should be from 20 to 30 thousand printed signswith spaces in the Microsoft Word text editor, TimesNew Roman font – 14, which corresponds to 10-15 pages of typewritten text. The volume of other information, reviews and other similar materials is up to 8 thousand printed signs with spaces, which corresponds to 4-5 pages of typewritten text. The line spacing is 1.5. It is not allowed to set a “red line” at the beginning of paragraphs with a tab or the “space” bar; paragraph indentation is set in the menu “Paragraph Format First line (indentation 1.25 mm)”.

Margins on the page: left and bottom 25 mm, top 20 mm, right 10 mm. The text is aligned in width; the pages are numbered (except for the first one) at the bottom in the center. You should not use the signs of manual hyphenation and additional spaces. The quotation marks «herringbone»are used in the text, when highlighting inside quotations and in the text in foreign languages – "paws".

Illustrations (drawings, tables, graphs, diagrams, etc.) are provided separately (in separate files by fragment). The width of the drawing is not more than 14 cm, the height is not more than 18 cm. The format is *jpg. Scanned materials must have a resolution of at least 300 pixels/inch. It is not allowed to present them using Microsoft Office utilities imported into Word.


The formatting of the article

1. The UDC code and the category to which the article belongs

The code is specified in accordance with the classification given in the UDC handbook.

The list of categories is listed on the website of the journal “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” at https://vestnikkf.ru in the “categories” section and on the website of the Kaliningrad branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.


2. Information about the authors in Russian: surname, first name, patronymic, academic title, academic degree, ORCID, e-mail address, affiliation of each author

The procedure for specifying authors is determined by the authors themselves by mutual agreement, more often depending on their contribution to the work performed. The Editorial Board does not recommend the publication of articles co-authored by more than 2 authors.

Scientists and practitioners who assisted in the preparation and conduct of the research described in the article should be indicated in the final part of the article (section “Gratitude”).

If the author of the article does not have an academic degree, or if the author of the article is an applicant, associate or graduate student, the article indicates the surname, first name and patronymic of the supervisor, his academic title and academic degree, position, place of work and specialty (name and number according to the classification of the Higher Attestation Commission). In this case, the article is signed by the supervisor and the commentof the supervisor is attached to the set of documents, the signature of which is certified by the personnel department at the place of work of the supervisor.

Each author specifies his Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID). If there is no ORCID, you must register on the site https://orcid.org /.

The e-mail address is indicated by the author when publishing an article in the journal for feedback.

Affiliation is the place of main work of each author: the name of the organization and the address of the location, indicating the postal code. The name of the organization must match the name in the Charter.


3. The title of the article in Russian

The title should contain no more than 75 signs (10-12 words). It should be informative, concise, correspond to the scientific style of the text, contain the main keywords characterizing the topic (subject) of the study and the content of the work. The title should be easily understood by readers and search systems.

Abbreviations and formulas should be omitted from the title.

It is also recommended to avoidin the titlethe cliche “To the problem (question) …”, “About some problems (questions)...”, “Current problems ...”.


4. Abstract in Russian

The abstract should consist of 150-250 words. The abstract should be structured according to the IMRAD structure and contain the following sections:

– introduction, including the relevance of the research topic, problem statement;

– research methods;

– results including key findings.

Sections are indicated in the annotation with the appropriate words: “introduction”, “methods”, “results”.


5. Keywords in Russian

Keywords should consist of 5-7 words, but no more than 10. Words or stable phrases can be used, according to which the article will be searched in the future. It is not allowed to specify abbreviations and formulas as keywords.


6. Information about the authors in English: surname, first name, patronymic (in Latin transliteration), academic title, academic degree, ORCID, e-mail address, affiliation of each author

Authors should pay special attention to the quality of metadata translation into English. The editorial board reserves the right to reject the article in case of poor-quality translation into English.


7. The title of the article in English

When translating the title of an article into English, it is unacceptable to use transliteration from Russian into Latin, except for untranslatable proper names, devices and other objects; also, jargon known only to Russian-speaking specialists is not used.


8. Abstract and keywords in English

The author is responsible for the quality and completeness of the translation of the abstract and keywords into English. There should be no discrepancy in the content of these sections, presented in Russian and English.


9. The text of the article in Russian

The structure of the article should correspond to the structure of IMRAD and consist of the sections:

– Introduction

  •  Methods

– Results

– Discussion (if available)

– Conclusion

The section “Introduction” includes the relevance and justification of the novelty of the research topic, a review of the literature on the topic, the formulation of the problem, the formulation of the purpose and objectives of the study.

The section “Methods” includes a description of the methods and ways by which the study was conducted; a description of the schemes of observations / experiments, materials, instruments, equipment; samples and conditions for conducting observations / experiments.

The “Results” section is the core of the scientific article and includes the actual results of the study (text, tables, graphs, diagrams, photographs, drawings).

The “Discussion” section includes the interpretation of the results obtained (the correspondence of the results obtained to the hypothesis of the study), the limitations of the study and the generalization of its results.

The section “Conclusion” includes brief results of the study without repeating the formulations given in the sections of the article; suggestions on the direction of future research.

Sections are indicated in the text of the article with the appropriate words: “introduction”, “methods”, “results”, “discussion”, “conclusion”.

Drawings and tables. The article can contain no more than 8 drawings and tables. They should be described and analyzed in the text of the article. Tables and other digital data should be provided with links to sources. Tables are given in the text of the article; the number and title are indicated above the table.

All abbreviations should be disclosed at the first mention.


10. Bibliographic list in Russian

The bibliographic list must contain at least 15 scientific sources. The sources are indicated in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. All sources in the bibliographic list should be referenced in the text of the article. When quoting directly, it is necessary to specify the page numbers. In the text of the article, the number of the source in the bibliographic list is indicated in square brackets, and the number of the citation page is separated by a comma (for example, [3, p. 25]).

The following data must be specified:

- for books – surname and initials of the author (editor), title of the book, place of publication (city), year of publication, total number of pages;

- for journal articles – the surname and initials of the author, the title of the article, the name of the journal, the year of publication, number, issue, pages (first and last).

For sources with the DOI identifier, it is mandatory to indicate it in the bibliographic description.

The authors of the article are responsible for the correctness of the data provided in the bibliographic list.

It is not allowed to include anonymous sources and regulatory documents (laws, regulations, instructions, etc.) in the bibliographic list due to the fact that they cannot be indexed in citation databases.

It is not allowed to use hard-to-access, unpublished, low-circulation, as well as local, popular and educational sources in the bibliographic list: abstracts of dissertations and dissertations, newspapers, unpublished reports,textbooks, reference books and dictionaries.

It is not allowed to indicate in the bibliographic list of the “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad Branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”, since references to the journal are self-citations.

No more than one self-citation of the author is allowed in the list of references.

References to sources that cannot be included in the bibliographic list, as well as references to notes, are designed as page-by-page footnotes with end-to-end numbering and indicated in the text in Arabic numerals in upper case.


11. Bibliographic list in Latin transliteration

It is allowed to use automatic online translators for transliteration of the bibliographic list (for example,http://translit-online.ru). The author is obliged to check the correctness of the transliteration before sending the manuscript to the editorial office of the journal.


12. Gratitude (if any)

The author can express gratitude to persons or organizations that have provided significant assistance in conducting the research (including in the case of subsidizing the research). Gratitude is placed at the end of the article.


At the time of submitting the article, it is necessary to indicate whether artificial intelligence (AI) or AI-based technologies were used in the preparation of the manuscript or part of it. In a separate section of the manuscript (which may be a section of methods), the authors should clearly describe how AI was used in the research and/or preparation of the manuscript. This may include the use of LLM, chatbots (such as ChatGPT) and image creators. Artificial intelligence or AI technologies are not considered authors and should not be listed as authors or co-authors in the manuscript. Similarly, they should not be listed as authors or co-authors in links.

By submitting an article to the editorial board, the author (in case of co–authorship – the author responsible for the publication) guarantees that this text is original (it has not been published anywhere before and has not been accepted for publication in other editions), confirms his consent (in case of co-authorship - the consent of all authors) with the rules of the journal and transfers to the editorial board the rights to the publication of the article, the use of an electronic version (posting on the journal's website, etc.). The author also informs about the presence or absence of a conflict of interest related to the publication of the article.

At the end of the article, the author(s) must insert the following content:

“The submitted material has not been published anywhere before and is currently not under consideration for publication in other publications. I declare that there is no conflict of interest related to the publication of this article in the journal “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad Branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”. I authorize the publication of the full-text version of the article, as well as its parts, in open access on the Internet, as well as on the official channels of the journal on social networks. When creating the article/ part of the article (select 1 option), the capabilities of artificial intelligence were used / not used (select 1 option).”

If there are several authors, it is necessary to indicate their contribution to the creation of the article (for example, “The authors made an equal contribution to the creation of the article” or specify what personal contribution each author made to the creation of the article).

Date, signature of the author(s)”.


Articles of an applied nature should be reviewed by an expert commission on the secrecy regime with the provision of an appropriate certificate on the absence of information prohibited for publication.

The author attaches consent to the processing of personal data to the set of documents.

Articles formatted without taking into account the listed requirements are not considered by the editorial board of the journal.


Submission of the material to the editorial office


Materials are provided to the editorial office through the official website of the journal “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” at https://vestnikkf.ru. To submit the material, the author must register and create a personal account.

After registering in your personal account, click on the “Send manuscript” button. Select “Create” –>“Journal article”.

Enter the title of the article. The article creation window opens. Fill in the information in the “Metadata” and “Authors” sections. Upload in the “Files” section (click on the “Upload” button):

– an article in the format .docx;

– an article with the signatures of the authors on the last sheet in the format .pdf;

– illustrations (drawings, tables, graphs, diagrams, etc.) in the format.jpg (if available);

– review of the supervisor in .pdf format (if available);

– consent to the processing of personal data in .pdf format.

The sections “Text”, “List of references” and “Topics” do not need to be filled in.

Click on the “Submit manuscript” button. Select “Request for publication”. In the list of publications, select “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”, in the list of headings select the current heading from the suggested list and click “Send an application”.

When an article is submitted to the editorial office, it undergoes an initial check for compliance with formal requirements.

If it is necessary to finalize the article, all changes are made to the text document. The original version of the article is deleted, and the corrected version is uploaded to the “Files” section on the application page.

The editorial board of the journal “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad Branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” is guided by ethical norms accepted by the international scientific community. In its activities, the editorial board follows the recommendations of the Committee on Scientific Ethics of Publications (http://publicationethics.org/ ). The publishing house observes a neutral position on the issues published in the journal.

The editorial board of the journal “Vestnik Bulletin of the Kaliningrad Branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs” is guided by the ethical standards proposed by the Committee on Ethics of Scientific Publications COPE, the European Association of Scientific Editors EASE (http://www.ease.org.uk/), the Council of Scientific Editors CSE (http://www.councilscienceeditors.org ), the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers ASEP (http://rasep.ru/ ).

The author of the article, the editor, the reviewer, the publisher are obliged to observe ethical standards at all stages of publication, starting from submission of the article and ending with its publication in the journal.

The ethical rules of the journal should be followed by the authors, the reviewers, the members of the editorial board, editorial staff, as well as all participants in the process of publishing information provided by the journal.

The editor-in-chief, the deputy editor-in-chief, editorial board members, and editorial staff play an important role in resolving potential cases of data fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, image manipulation, unethical research, biased reporting, copyright infringement, redundant or duplicated publications and the conflicts of interest.

The editor-in-chief (deputy editor-in-chief) provides ethical support and control:

- ensures executing of readers’ and authors’ requests;

- ensures high quality of published materials;

- guarantees and ensures freedom of expression;

- ensures the integrity of published scientific materials;

- if necessary, ensures the publication of corrections, clarifications, refutations and apologies.

Decisions to publish or reject an article are based solely on its value, originality, readability and relevance of the content to the journal’s subject matter.

The rules for authors and reviewers, which are regularly reviewed and adjusted, specify the requirements for them.

The Editor-in-Chief (Deputy Editor-in-Chief) and editorial staff ensure the right of reviewers to confidentiality of their work, confidentiality of submitted materials up to their publication, and timely response to complaints.

The Journal may publish justified criticism of previously published material, unless convincing reasons to refrain from such publications are presented (by the Editor-in-Chief or others). The author of the criticized material is given the opportunity to familiarize himself with it and respond to the comments made before the publication of the criticism.

The Editor-in-Chief (Deputy Editor-in-Chief) and the editorial staff are obliged to take adequate action if there is a suspicion of a breach of ethical standards (request clarifications from the authors, etc.). If an appropriate investigation reveals the fact of falsification, the article is not accepted for publication, and such a case is brought to the readers’ attention.

Decisions to publish articles are based on their quality and interest to readers.

Interests (financial, personal, political, religious) of the participants of the publication process (of the authors, Editor-in-Chief, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, members of the editorial board, editorial staff, reviewers, etc.) that may affect the presentation and objective evaluation of the research results are to be disclosed.

Illegal actions are considered to be:

- forgery, falsification;

- plagiarism (misappropriation of intellectual property, as well as high degree of copying of other work);

- duplicated or redundant publication (word-for-word reproduction of the text of another publication by the same author in excess of 30%).

Any previous publications should be disclosed in the article.

Misconduct allegations with detailed facts to substantiate claims are to be considered even if anonymized.

The journal encourages discussion and constructive criticism of the materials published in it.

When reviewing an article, the editorial board of the journal may check the material using the “Anti-Plagiarism” system. If borrowings are idetified, the editorial board acts in accordance with the COPE rules.


Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications


The Code of Ethics for Scholarly Publishing unites and discloses the general principles and rules that should guide the participants of the process of scholarly publishing: authors, reviewers, editors, publishers, distributors and readers in their relationship.


Key Terms:


Ethics of scientific publications is a system of norms of professional behaviour in the relationship between authors, reviewers, editors, publishers and readers in the process of creation, dissemination and use of scientific publications.

Editor is a representative of a scientific journal or publishing house who prepares materials for publication and communicates with authors and readers of scientific publications.

Author is a person or a group of persons (the collective of authors) involved in the creation of publication of scientific research results.

Reviewer is an expert acting on behalf of a scientific journal or publishing house and conducting scientific expertise of the author’s materials to determine the possibility of their publication.

Publisher is a legal entity or an individual carrying out the publication of a scientific publication.

Reader is any person who has reviewed the published materials.

Plagiarism is intentional appropriation of authorship of the work of science or art, another’s ideas or inventions. Plagiarism may be considered a violation of copyright and patent laws and as such may subject to legal liability.



Principles of Professional Ethics in the Activities of

Editor and Publisher


In his/her activity, the editor is responsible for the publication of author’s works, and therefore is guided by the following fundamental principles:

- when making a decision to publish, the editor of a scientific journal is guided by the reliability of data presentation and the scientific significance of the work in question;

- the editor should evaluate the intellectual content of manuscripts regardless of the authors' race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, origin, nationality, social status, or political preferences;

- unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts should not be used for personal purposes or shared with third parties without the written consent of the author. Information or ideas obtained during editing related to possible benefits should be kept confidential and not used for personal gain;

- the editor should not allow information to be published if there is sufficient reason to believe that it is plagiarized;

- the editor together with the publisher should not leave any claims unanswered concerning the reviewed manuscripts or published materials, and in case of a conflict situation take all necessary measures to restore the violated rights.


Ethical Principles in the Activity of a Reviewer


The reviewer carries out scientific expertise of author’s materials, therefore his/her actions should be unbiased and adhere the following principles:

- the manuscript received for review is to be treated as a confidential document, which must not be passed for review or discussion to third parties not authorized by the editorial office;

- the reviewer is obliged to give an objective and reasoned assessment of the presented research results. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable;

- unpublished data obtained from manuscripts submitted for review should not be used by the reviewer for personal purposes;

- a reviewer who, in his/her opinion, is not qualified enough to evaluate the manuscript or cannot be objective, for example, in case of a conflict of interest with the author or an organization, should inform the editor about it with a request to exclude him/her from the process of reviewing this manuscript.


Principles the Author of Scientific Publications Should Guide


An author is defined as a researcher who has made a substantial intellectual contribution to the published work and has presented the results of his/her research. In the case of co-authorship, each author is responsible for at least one component of the work and should be aware of the contribution of others. He should have full confidence in the qualifications and professionalism of his co-authors.

All persons listed as authors must meet the definition of authorship. Each author’s participation in the work must be sufficiently substantial, as each author is publicly responsible for its respective component.

Authors may enter into separate, additional contractual agreements to disseminate the published work (e.g., place it in a university (affiliated) repository or publish it in a book), with acknowledgement of its original publication in this journal.

All persons related to the work but who do not meet the criteria for authorship are listed in the Acknowledgements/ Acknowledgements section (persons who helped in planning the research, selecting material and analyzing it, preparing the manuscript for printing, etc.).

The author has no right to send the same text to different editors. If previously published information is used in the article, the author is obliged to indicate its source, and at the request of the editor to provide a copy of the quoted material.

The author should confirm that his/her article is original and indicate the sources of the cited information.

At the time of article submission, it should be stated whether artificial intelligence (AI) or AI-based technologies were used in the preparation of the manuscript or part of it. In a separate section of the manuscript (which may be a methods section), authors should clearly describe how AI was used in the research and/or preparation of the manuscript. This may include the use of LLMs, chat bots (such as ChatGPT) and image creators. Artificial intelligence or AI-enabled technologies are not considered as authors and should not be listed as authors or co-authors in the manuscript. Similarly, they should not be listed as authors or co-authors in references.

The author must declare a potential conflict of interest (e.g., circumstances that, from his point of view, may influence the publication process).

If a significant error in publication is discovered, the author is obliged to inform the editor immediately. During the preparation of the material for publication, the author is obliged to co-operate with the editor and publisher and, if necessary, to make appropriate changes to the text.

The author assumes full responsibility for possible plagiarism of text, figures and other materials. Any copyright infringement will be considered according to the criteria proposed by COPE.

The author (or team of authors) realizes that he/she bears the initial responsibility for the novelty and reliability of the results of the scientific research, and complies with the following principles:

- the authors of the article must provide reliable results of the research conducted. Deliberately erroneous or falsified statements are unacceptable;

- the authors must guarantee that the research results stated in the submitted manuscript are completely original. Borrowed fragments or statements should be formalized with obligatory indication of the author and primary source. Excessive borrowing, as well as plagiarism in any form, including unattributed quotations, paraphrasing or appropriation of the results of others’ research is unethical and unacceptable;

- the contributions of all individuals who have influenced the research in one way or another should be recognized, in particular, the paper should provide references to the papers that were important in the conduct of the research;

- authors should not submit to the journal a manuscript that has been sent to another journal and is under review, or an article that has already been published in another journal;

- the co-authors of the article should include all persons who have made a significant contribution to the research. Among the co-authors it is inadmissible to specify persons who did not participate in the research;

- if the author discovers significant errors or inaccuracies in the article at the stage of its review or after its publication, he/she should notify the editorial board of the journal as soon as possible.


Conflict of Interest


A conflict of interest arises when an author (or the institution he/she works for), reviewer, editor, or any participant of the publication process has financial or private interests (personal relationships, academic competition, intellectual disagreements, etc.) that may adversely affect their actions.

Reviewers provide the Editorial Board with information about possible conflicts of interest that could influence their opinion on the manuscript. If there is such a danger, they refrain from reviewing this material. Reviewers may not use the results of the work under review for their own interests before its publication.

All participants of the process of preparing an article for publication are required to disclose any relationships that could be considered a potential source of conflict of interest.

The Editorial Board publishes such information if it is considered to  influence the assessment of the manuscript.

1. The process of the formation of the issue is carried out by the journal’s editorial board, which includes Russian specialists. The journal is published by the editorial department.

2. The journal is peer-reviewed. The reviewers are recognized, qualified Russian specialists in their respective fields of knowledge.

3. The editorial board ensures the review of all scientific materials and monitors the authors’ compliance with the rules for formatting articles.

4. Authors, reviewers, the editorial board and the editorial staff of the journal comply with the publication ethics provisions.

5. The journal publishes relevant, authentic, objective and science-based materials sent to print for the first time free of charge and without payment of fee. It does not publish journalistic, popular and educational texts, advertisement and other non-core materials.

6. The editorial board reserves the right to edit the title and the text of scientific material, and the bibliographic list.

7. When compiling a journal issue, preference is given to the following materials:

- corresponding to the thematic profile and headings of the journal;

- containing a clear description of the problem and a reasoned author’s version of its solution;

- having an original character (prepared by the authors independently and previously unpublished);

- possessing research novelty (based on the results of one’s own scientific research and presenting new scientific knowledge);

- having a scientific style of presentation (general language literacy, logic, consistency, clarity, special terminology, references, etc.).

8. The article is submitted to the editor in the electronic form (via a personal account on the website https://vestnikkf.ru), drawn up in accordance with the requirements for scientific articles in the journal “Bulletin of the Kaliningrad Branch of St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”.

9. The received article is registered. An individual registration number is assigned to the article.

10. After registration the article is sent for initial assessment to the editor-in-chief (deputy editor-in-chief), who appoints reviewers for the article.

11. After the appointment of reviewers, the personal data of the author (authors) is removed from the article. This version of the article is sent to reviewers by email.

12. After conducting an expert assessment of the article, the reviewer sends an appropriately processed review to the editor.

13. The decision to publish an article is made by the editor-in-chief (deputy editor-in-chief) and the editorial board of the journal depending on the results of reviewing and checking the originality of the author’s manuscript by specialized software.

If the originality of the text is below 70% (however, borrowings from one source cannot account for more than 7%; borrowings are not allowed in conclusions), the article is rejected.

14. No more than one article by one author including co-authorship, can be published in one issue of the journal.

15. The editors inform the author about the decision made regarding his article through their personal account on the journal’s website. If necessary, the author is given recommendations for improving the material. If a decision is made to reject the publication, the reasons for this decision are explained. Refusal to publish an article may occur for the following reasons:

- the article submitted for review was previously published by the author in another publication;

- it does not correspond to the topics and specialties of the journal;

- has a low level of scientific character and originality;

- improperly formatted;

- the author refuses to make technical improvements to the article or eliminate other errors identified by the reviewers and the publishing editor of the journal.

The article revised by the author on the base of the reviewer’s recommendations is sent by the editors to the same reviewer for re-review.

16. If an article is recommended for publication, it undergoes editorial preparation - technical and literary editing, proofreading. The final version of the article prepared for publication is agreed upon with the author (authors).

17. The next issue of the journal includes articles which have positive reviews and agreed with the author (authors) by the time the layout starts (in accordance with the production schedule).

18. The magazine is a quarterly publication.   It is published in March, June, September and December.

19. Copyright for all materials published in the journal belongs to the founder and the publisher.

20. The authors guarantee the journal the right to reproduce unique materials in their work. In case of unauthorized use of materials by the authors, the rights to which belong to the third parties, the authors of the manuscript bear responsibility for its reproduction.

All scientific articles submitted to the editorial office of the journal undergo mandatory blind review (the reviewer does not know the authors of the manuscript; the authors of the manuscript do not know the reviewers). The manuscripts are sent to reviewers for expert evaluation. Review of articles is carried out by members of the editorial board, as well as by invited reviewers –leading experts in the relevant branch of legal and pedagogical science.

The received manuscript within a month is reviewed and evaluated in terms of compliance with the formal requirements of the editorial board of the journal and, upon its approval, sent for review.

The review is carried out by the reviewers on the instructions of the chief editor (deputy chief editor) of the journal within a month after they receive the article subject to review. At the request of the reviewer, this period may be extended, but may not exceed 2 months from the moment of submission of the manuscript to the reviewer.

The maximum period of consideration of articles is not more than 3 months from the moment of submission of manuscript of the article to the editorial office.

Each reviewer has the right to refuse a review if there is a clear conflict of interest affecting the perception and interpretation of the manuscript materials.

A positive review is not a sufficient reason to publish an article. The final decision on publication is taken by the editor-in-chief (deputy chief editor) of the journal and the editorial board.

If the article receives a negative review by the reviewer, the author is given a month to eliminate the shortcomings revealed by the review and send the article to the editorial office for a second review. In this case, the date of return of the finalized manuscript is considered to be the date of receipt of the article.


The review of the article consists of the following mandatory parts:


1. Title part.

In the title part, the reviewer specifies the name of the article being reviewed.


2. Main part consisting of sections:

- correspondence of the title and text of the article to the topics and specialties of the journal (corresponds, partially corresponds, does not correspond);

- the name of the recommended entry;

- the degree of relevance of the presented material (high, medium, low);

- the degree of its scientific novelty (high, medium, low);

- the degree of scientific and/or practical interest of the presented material (high, medium, low);

- completeness of the topic (high, medium, low);

- language and style of presentation (consistent with the genre of scientific article, partially consistent, not consistent);

- completeness and quality of conclusions (high, medium, low, no conclusions in the article);

- compliance with the requirements for the formatting of the scientific and reference apparatus (meets, partially complies, does not comply);

- comments.

In the main part the reviewer gives an expert assessment of the correspondence of the article to the specialties of “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad branch of the Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”, evaluates the relevance, novelty, scientific and/or practical interest of the presented material, correspondence of the article title to its content, completeness of the topic disclosure, language and style of presentation, completeness and quality of conclusions, expresses his comments on the content, design, completeness and quality of illustrations.


3. Operative part.

In the operative part, the reviewer on the basis ofhis articleanalysis gives a conclusion on the possibility of publishing a peer-reviewed article in the “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad branch of the Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”. The reviewer may recommend:

-  to accept the article for publication;

-  to accept the article for publication with revisions without re-review;

-  reject the article by referring it for further revision and subsequent review;

-  reject the article.


4. Final part.

In the final part, the reviewer indicates his surname and initials, the date of signing and endorsesthe review by his personal signature.


The reviewer is responsible for compliance of the peer-reviewed articles which received a recommendation from him to be published with the criteria for scientific publications in the “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad branch of the Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”.

In the event of a refusal to publish an article for one reason or another, the editorial office sends the author a reasoned notice of the decision. If the publication of the article was refused on the results of the review, a copy of the negative review received on this article is attached to the notification. If the re-review results in a negative comment by the reviewer of the article, the editorial office finally refuses the author to publish this article. An article not recommendedfor publicationby a decision of the editorial board shall not be accepted for reconsideration. A refusal to publish is sent to the author by e-mail.

Information about the reviewer can be disclosedto the authorby the editorial board or editorial office only with the consent of the reviewer.

Reviews are kept in the editorial office for five years from the moment of signing by the reviewer. The editorial office is obliged to provide reviews of the articles submitted for publication, as well as published in the “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad Branch of the Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”, at the request of expert councils in the VAK.




on the manuscript of the scientific article «Title» submitted for publication in the journal «Vestnik of the Kaliningrad branch of the Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia»


Correspondence of the title and text of the article to the topics and specialties of the journal.

The article submitted for review corresponds to specialty 5.1.4. Criminal law sciences (legal sciences).

The name of the recommended category.

Recommended category of the journal:

«Criminal Law and Crime Qualification Features».

The presence in the abstract of the article of sections«introduction», «methods», «results» – are available.

The presence in the text of the article of sections «introduction», «methods», «results», «discussion» (if available), «conclusion» – there are sections «introduction», «methods», «results», «conclusion». There is no «discussion» section.

Completeness of disclosure of the contents of the sections «introduction», «methods», «results», «discussion» (if available), «conclusion» available in the text of the article – the section «methods» in the article is identical to the section «methods» in the abstract, contains a simple enumeration of research methods, the essence of which is not disclosed by the author. The completeness of the disclosure of the contents of the remaining sections is high.

The level of relevance of the presented material is high.

The degree of its scientific novelty is average. The article makes a certain contribution to the study of the concept of crime.

The degree of scientific and/or practical interest of the material presented is average. The results of the study expand scientific knowledge about the quantitative characteristics of crime as a social negative legal phenomenon. At the same time, the article does not specify the ways of using new knowledge in the practical activities of internal affairs agencies.

The comprehensiveness of the topic is high.

The language and style of presentation corresponds to the genre of the scientific article, however there has been a large number of speech deficiencies.

Completeness and quality of conclusions - no conclusions in the article.

Compliance with the requirements for the design of the scientific reference apparatus - the bibliographic list is not designed according to the GOST, it has educational publications, which according to the rules of the journal should be specified only in footnotes.

There are no comments.

Based on the above it is possible to draw general conclusion: the article «Title» does not meet the requirements for the materials submitted for publication in the «Vestnik of the Kaliningrad Branch of the Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia», the manuscript should be sent to the author for revision and subsequent review.


«____» __________ 20___.

Plata za publikaciyu i recenzirovanie statey otsutstvuet


to the processing of personal data in the scientific periodical “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”


(surname, name, patronymic in full words)

(hereinafter referred to as the subject of personal data), registered at: __________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________ Main identity document: passport series _____ № __________________________

date of issue:__________________ issued by  ________________________


(series, number, date and place of issue, information about the authority that issued the main document certifying identity (to be filled in in accordance with the requirements of Part 4 of Article 9 of Federal Law No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data”))

I give my consent to the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education “St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Kaliningrad Branch)” (hereinafter - the operator) located at the address: 30 Generala Galitskogo str., Kaliningrad, 236006, Russia.

to process my personal data in connection with granting the right to use the work of which I am the author. Work - ________________________________

(article, abstractsof the speech, review, etc.)


(title of the work)


(hereinafter referred to as the work) is subject to inclusion in the journal “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad Branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” ISSN 2227-7226, certificate of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications PI No.FS77-84264 dated December 26, 2022.

I confirm the accuracy and completeness of personal data. In cases of changes to any part of personal data, I undertaketo inform the operator about this within a reasonable period (but not more than 15 days) by sending relevant information through the author's personal account on the journal's website on the Internet: https://vestnikkf.ru.

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1.1. reviewing the work;

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1.3. preparation and placement of metadata of a work included in a periodical, such as: surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the author, academic degree, academic title, place of work, e-mail address, ORCID, title of the work, abstract, keywords, bibliographic list of the article, other information specified by the author in the application for publication;

1.4. preparation for the placement of electronic versions of articles and issues of the periodical in open free access in at least one of the following formats: pdf, .doc, .docx, .html;

1.5. creation of archives of issues of the periodical and their placement in the public domain;

1.6. production and delivery to the authorized bodies of mandatory copies of each issue of the periodical;

1.7. formation of the operator's library collections, provision of periodical issues to national and foreign libraries, providing access to scientific information and familiarization with the values of national or world culture;

1.8. providingof issues of the periodical to national and international abstract databases and citation systems, including RSCI, CyberLeninka;

1.9. other actions, including those aimed at ensuring a complete editorial and publishing cycle, including ____________________________________________


(additional actions may be listed at the discretion of the operator and the subject of personal data)

2. The operator has the right to process personal data for other purposes established by the current legislation, regulatory legal and other acts of the founder, other public authorities, the charter and local regulations in force at the operator.

3. For the purposes provided for in paragraph 1 of this Consent, the following information and data are subject to processing: surname, first name, patronymic (if any); year of birth, address of state registration; academic degree, academic title; place of work, position; telephone, e–mail address; data of the identity document (series and the number issued by whom and when).

3.1. Personal data in respect of which the personal data subject is prohibited from processing: ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

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4. The processing of personal data by the operator is carried out by one or a combination of the following actions: collection, creation, recording, accumulation, clarification, modification, addition, update, extraction, copying, use, transfer, distribution, provision, access, placement, systematization, archiving, storage, blocking, deletion, destruction.

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Data about information resources and services through which the operator will carry out mixed and automated processing of personal data:


Table No. 1 “List of information resources and services used for processing

personal data”


Information resource/Personal Data Management service


Actions with personal data




Collection, creation, recording, accumulation, clarification, modification, addition, update, extraction, copying, use, transfer, distribution, access, placement, systematization, archiving, storage, blocking, deletion, destruction




















5. The period during which the consent of the personal data subject is valid is determined by the period for the operator to exercise the right to use the work provided by the personal data subject. The author's work, after the publication of the next issue of the storage and processing of archival numbers is carried out in accordance with paragraph 2 of Part 1.1. of Article 1 of Federal Law No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data” in accordance with the legislation on archival business. The storage of data contained in the license agreement concluded with the author is carried out in accordance with the requirements provided for the organization of office work contained in the normative legal acts of authorized federal government bodies in the field of archival affairs and office management, as well as the federal government body performing the functions of the founder of the operator.

6. This Consent is valid from the moment of its signing until the moment of withdrawal in writing. If the personal data subject withdraws Consent to the processing of personal data, the operator has the right to: continue processing personal data without the consent of the personal data subject if there are grounds provided for by Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data” and regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with it; or revoke the work if it is impossible to further process personal data in accordance with the procedure regulated by international and national rules applied by the Russian editorial, publishing, and author's community.





____________________________        ________________       _______________

Full name of the personal datasubjectsignature date

Bavsun Maksim  — Editor in chief
Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (Deputy Head of the University (for Research))
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
SPIN: 8591-6572 ORCID:0000-0002-1407-2609 Web Of Science: https://publons.com/researcher/AAI-2365-2021/
Alekseeva Anna  — Deputy Chief Editor
Kaliningrad branch of Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (Kaliningradskiy filial, kafedra UPKiUIP, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation from 01.01.2024 until now
Kaliningrad, Kalinigrad, Russian Federation
Anisimov Aleksey  — Member of the Editorial Board

Astafichyev Pavyel Aleksandrovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry Internal Affairs of Russian Federation (kafedra konstitucionnogo i mezhdunarodnogo prava)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Russian Federation
Veklenko Sergey  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kaliningrad branch of the St. Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Russian Federation
Grigoryev Anatoliy  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kaliningrad Branch of the Saint-Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (Department of Administrative Legal Disciplines and Information Support of Internal Affairs Bodies, head of department)
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Academic rank
docent from 01.01.2010 until now
Kaliningrad, Kalinigrad, Russian Federation
Dronova Olga  — Member of the Editorial Board
Volgograd Academy of the MIA of Russia (kafedra kriminalisticheskoy tehniki, professor)
employee from 01.01.2016 until now
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
professor from 01.01.2024 until now
Volgograd, Russian Federation
Ivanova Svetlana Vital'evna  — Member of the Editorial Board

Kaplunov Andrey  — Member of the Editorial Board
Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (Professor of the Department of Administrative Law)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Kolosovich Marina  — Member of the Editorial Board
Volgogradskaya akademiya MVD Rossii (ugolovnyy process, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Volgograd, Volgograd, Russian Federation
Melikhov Aleksandr  — Member of the Editorial Board
Volgogradskaya akademiya MVD Rossii (kafedra konstitucionnogo i administrativnogo prava, docent)
employee from 01.01.2002 until now
doctor of jurisprudence sciences from 01.01.2007 until now
Academic rank laureat premiy Volgogradskoy oblasti v sfere nauki i tehniki
docent from 01.01.2018 until now
Volgograd, Volgograd, Russian Federation
Pracko Gennadiy  — Member of the Editorial Board
Donskoy gosudarstvennyy tehnicheskiy universitet (Kommercheskoe i predprinimatel'skoe pravo, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences ,
doctor of philosophical sciences
Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Red'ko Aleksandr  — Member of the Editorial Board
Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (research department, head of the research department)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences from 01.01.2011 until now
Volgograd, Volgograd, Russian Federation
Stulov Andrey  — Member of the Editorial Board
Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry Internal Affairs of Russian Federation (Kaliningrad branch, Senior editor)
employee from 01.01.2012 until now
Kaliningrad, Kalinigrad, Russian Federation
Ukhov Vladimir  — Member of the Editorial Board
Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (kafedra administrativnogo prava, nachal'nik)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Fadeeva Violetta Vladimirovna  — Member of the Editorial Board


Архивные рубрики

Registration address
198206, 1, Letchika Pilyutova str., Saint Petersburg, 198206, Russian Federation
St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
The certificate of registration of the periodical
ПИ № ФС77-84264

The scientific and theoretical journal “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad branch of the Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” (until 2012 “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad Law Institute of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs”) ISSN 2227-7226 has been published since 2002.

The founder –the Saint Petersburg University of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The publisher –the Kaliningrad branch of Saint Petersburg University of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.


The journal’s mission is to bring together scientists and practitioners who conduct research on topical issues of legal science and pedagogy in relation to law enforcement.

The purpose of the journal is the dissemination of scientific knowledge and publication of the articles and the results of applied research in the legal and pedagogical sciences; active assistance in raising the level of scientific potential and pedagogical skill of the University’s scientific and pedagogical staff; scientific support and the educational processmaintenance; promoting quality teaching, education and training qualified personnel for the internal affairs agencies.

The objectives of the journal are scientific achievementsdissemination, scientific researchintegration in the field of jurisprudence and practical results of law enforcement agencies activity.


The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications, in which the main scientific results of the theses for the degree of candidate of sciences, for the degree of doctor of sciences in the following scientific specialties and corresponding branches of scienceare to be published:

5.1.1. Theoretical and historical legal sciences (law sciences);

5.1.2. Public-legal (state-legal) sciences (law sciences);

5.1.3. Private Law (civilistic) sciences (law sciences);

5.1.4. Criminal law sciences (law sciences);

5.8.1. General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education (pedagogical sciences);

5.8.7. Methodology and technology of professional education (pedagogical sciences).

The articles submitted for publication are placed under the following headings depending on the content:

Criminal law and features of defining crimes

Actual problems of criminology

Criminal process issues

Forensic examinations


Administrative legislation andadministrative liability

Law enforcement theory and practice

Internal affairs agencies activitymastering

Historical jurisprudence

Pages of the history of internal affairs agencies

Educational process and teaching skills

Pedagogical aspects of professional training

Debating platform

Reviews, accounts, scientific and representative events survey


The periodicity of issues of the magazine is 4 times a year.

The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor). Registration number - PI № FS77-84264 of December 26, 2022.

Subscription index 45691 on the united catalogue «The Press of Russia».

The journal is distributed by subscriptionfor six months issued in advance.


The issues of the journal are freely available on the journal’s official website at:https://vestnikkf.ru and thewebsite of theKaliningrad branch of the Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The journal is included in the scientific electronic librarydatabase «eLIBRARY.RU» and indicated in the RSCI. The information about scientific articles published is availablein the RSCIdatabase within three months from the date of the corresponding edition issue.

The publication of the journal is financed by the founder’s funds.

The editorial officeaddress of the “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad Branch of theSt. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”is:

236006, Kaliningrad, st. General Galitsky, 30.

Tel. 8 (4012) 46-23-04.

E-mail: vestnikkf@yandex.ru

The subject of the journal

The journal “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad Branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” publishes the results of original fundamental and applied scientific research on legal and pedagogical problems in relation to law enforcement.


The criteria for selecting articles are compliance with the profile of the journal, novelty, relevance and validity of the results. The submitted manuscripts are not returned. It is not allowed to send to the editorial office works that have been published and/or accepted for publication in other periodicals. By submitting an article to the editorial office, the author agrees to the editorial revision of the material.

All materials submitted to the editorial office are checked for borrowings from open sources, verification is carried out using the Anti-Plagiarism system.

There is no fee for publishing articles.

Articles submitted to the editorial office are registered on the day of submission of the application on the journal's website. If the article is returned to the author for revision, then the date of its registration is the day of receipt of the final text.

The articles submitted to the editorial office are reviewed.

The editorial board reserves the right to literary editing of the article.

Materials not accepted for publication will not be returned to the authors.


Language and geography of the journal

The language of the journal is Russian. The metadata of the article is published in Russian and English. The geography of the journal's authorship covers both Russian and foreign authors.


Technical requirements for articles

The volume of the text part of the scientific article should be from 20 to 30 thousand printed signswith spaces in the Microsoft Word text editor, TimesNew Roman font – 14, which corresponds to 10-15 pages of typewritten text. The volume of other information, reviews and other similar materials is up to 8 thousand printed signs with spaces, which corresponds to 4-5 pages of typewritten text. The line spacing is 1.5. It is not allowed to set a “red line” at the beginning of paragraphs with a tab or the “space” bar; paragraph indentation is set in the menu “Paragraph Format First line (indentation 1.25 mm)”.

Margins on the page: left and bottom 25 mm, top 20 mm, right 10 mm. The text is aligned in width; the pages are numbered (except for the first one) at the bottom in the center. You should not use the signs of manual hyphenation and additional spaces. The quotation marks «herringbone»are used in the text, when highlighting inside quotations and in the text in foreign languages – "paws".

Illustrations (drawings, tables, graphs, diagrams, etc.) are provided separately (in separate files by fragment). The width of the drawing is not more than 14 cm, the height is not more than 18 cm. The format is *jpg. Scanned materials must have a resolution of at least 300 pixels/inch. It is not allowed to present them using Microsoft Office utilities imported into Word.


The formatting of the article

1. The UDC code and the category to which the article belongs

The code is specified in accordance with the classification given in the UDC handbook.

The list of categories is listed on the website of the journal “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” at https://vestnikkf.ru in the “categories” section and on the website of the Kaliningrad branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.


2. Information about the authors in Russian: surname, first name, patronymic, academic title, academic degree, ORCID, e-mail address, affiliation of each author

The procedure for specifying authors is determined by the authors themselves by mutual agreement, more often depending on their contribution to the work performed. The Editorial Board does not recommend the publication of articles co-authored by more than 2 authors.

Scientists and practitioners who assisted in the preparation and conduct of the research described in the article should be indicated in the final part of the article (section “Gratitude”).

If the author of the article does not have an academic degree, or if the author of the article is an applicant, associate or graduate student, the article indicates the surname, first name and patronymic of the supervisor, his academic title and academic degree, position, place of work and specialty (name and number according to the classification of the Higher Attestation Commission). In this case, the article is signed by the supervisor and the commentof the supervisor is attached to the set of documents, the signature of which is certified by the personnel department at the place of work of the supervisor.

Each author specifies his Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID). If there is no ORCID, you must register on the site https://orcid.org /.

The e-mail address is indicated by the author when publishing an article in the journal for feedback.

Affiliation is the place of main work of each author: the name of the organization and the address of the location, indicating the postal code. The name of the organization must match the name in the Charter.


3. The title of the article in Russian

The title should contain no more than 75 signs (10-12 words). It should be informative, concise, correspond to the scientific style of the text, contain the main keywords characterizing the topic (subject) of the study and the content of the work. The title should be easily understood by readers and search systems.

Abbreviations and formulas should be omitted from the title.

It is also recommended to avoidin the titlethe cliche “To the problem (question) …”, “About some problems (questions)...”, “Current problems ...”.


4. Abstract in Russian

The abstract should consist of 150-250 words. The abstract should be structured according to the IMRAD structure and contain the following sections:

– introduction, including the relevance of the research topic, problem statement;

– research methods;

– results including key findings.

Sections are indicated in the annotation with the appropriate words: “introduction”, “methods”, “results”.


5. Keywords in Russian

Keywords should consist of 5-7 words, but no more than 10. Words or stable phrases can be used, according to which the article will be searched in the future. It is not allowed to specify abbreviations and formulas as keywords.


6. Information about the authors in English: surname, first name, patronymic (in Latin transliteration), academic title, academic degree, ORCID, e-mail address, affiliation of each author

Authors should pay special attention to the quality of metadata translation into English. The editorial board reserves the right to reject the article in case of poor-quality translation into English.


7. The title of the article in English

When translating the title of an article into English, it is unacceptable to use transliteration from Russian into Latin, except for untranslatable proper names, devices and other objects; also, jargon known only to Russian-speaking specialists is not used.


8. Abstract and keywords in English

The author is responsible for the quality and completeness of the translation of the abstract and keywords into English. There should be no discrepancy in the content of these sections, presented in Russian and English.


9. The text of the article in Russian

The structure of the article should correspond to the structure of IMRAD and consist of the sections:

– Introduction

  •  Methods

– Results

– Discussion (if available)

– Conclusion

The section “Introduction” includes the relevance and justification of the novelty of the research topic, a review of the literature on the topic, the formulation of the problem, the formulation of the purpose and objectives of the study.

The section “Methods” includes a description of the methods and ways by which the study was conducted; a description of the schemes of observations / experiments, materials, instruments, equipment; samples and conditions for conducting observations / experiments.

The “Results” section is the core of the scientific article and includes the actual results of the study (text, tables, graphs, diagrams, photographs, drawings).

The “Discussion” section includes the interpretation of the results obtained (the correspondence of the results obtained to the hypothesis of the study), the limitations of the study and the generalization of its results.

The section “Conclusion” includes brief results of the study without repeating the formulations given in the sections of the article; suggestions on the direction of future research.

Sections are indicated in the text of the article with the appropriate words: “introduction”, “methods”, “results”, “discussion”, “conclusion”.

Drawings and tables. The article can contain no more than 8 drawings and tables. They should be described and analyzed in the text of the article. Tables and other digital data should be provided with links to sources. Tables are given in the text of the article; the number and title are indicated above the table.

All abbreviations should be disclosed at the first mention.


10. Bibliographic list in Russian

The bibliographic list must contain at least 15 scientific sources. The sources are indicated in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. All sources in the bibliographic list should be referenced in the text of the article. When quoting directly, it is necessary to specify the page numbers. In the text of the article, the number of the source in the bibliographic list is indicated in square brackets, and the number of the citation page is separated by a comma (for example, [3, p. 25]).

The following data must be specified:

- for books – surname and initials of the author (editor), title of the book, place of publication (city), year of publication, total number of pages;

- for journal articles – the surname and initials of the author, the title of the article, the name of the journal, the year of publication, number, issue, pages (first and last).

For sources with the DOI identifier, it is mandatory to indicate it in the bibliographic description.

The authors of the article are responsible for the correctness of the data provided in the bibliographic list.

It is not allowed to include anonymous sources and regulatory documents (laws, regulations, instructions, etc.) in the bibliographic list due to the fact that they cannot be indexed in citation databases.

It is not allowed to use hard-to-access, unpublished, low-circulation, as well as local, popular and educational sources in the bibliographic list: abstracts of dissertations and dissertations, newspapers, unpublished reports,textbooks, reference books and dictionaries.

It is not allowed to indicate in the bibliographic list of the “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad Branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”, since references to the journal are self-citations.

No more than one self-citation of the author is allowed in the list of references.

References to sources that cannot be included in the bibliographic list, as well as references to notes, are designed as page-by-page footnotes with end-to-end numbering and indicated in the text in Arabic numerals in upper case.


11. Bibliographic list in Latin transliteration

It is allowed to use automatic online translators for transliteration of the bibliographic list (for example,http://translit-online.ru). The author is obliged to check the correctness of the transliteration before sending the manuscript to the editorial office of the journal.


12. Gratitude (if any)

The author can express gratitude to persons or organizations that have provided significant assistance in conducting the research (including in the case of subsidizing the research). Gratitude is placed at the end of the article.


At the time of submitting the article, it is necessary to indicate whether artificial intelligence (AI) or AI-based technologies were used in the preparation of the manuscript or part of it. In a separate section of the manuscript (which may be a section of methods), the authors should clearly describe how AI was used in the research and/or preparation of the manuscript. This may include the use of LLM, chatbots (such as ChatGPT) and image creators. Artificial intelligence or AI technologies are not considered authors and should not be listed as authors or co-authors in the manuscript. Similarly, they should not be listed as authors or co-authors in links.

By submitting an article to the editorial board, the author (in case of co–authorship – the author responsible for the publication) guarantees that this text is original (it has not been published anywhere before and has not been accepted for publication in other editions), confirms his consent (in case of co-authorship - the consent of all authors) with the rules of the journal and transfers to the editorial board the rights to the publication of the article, the use of an electronic version (posting on the journal's website, etc.). The author also informs about the presence or absence of a conflict of interest related to the publication of the article.

At the end of the article, the author(s) must insert the following content:

“The submitted material has not been published anywhere before and is currently not under consideration for publication in other publications. I declare that there is no conflict of interest related to the publication of this article in the journal “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad Branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”. I authorize the publication of the full-text version of the article, as well as its parts, in open access on the Internet, as well as on the official channels of the journal on social networks. When creating the article/ part of the article (select 1 option), the capabilities of artificial intelligence were used / not used (select 1 option).”

If there are several authors, it is necessary to indicate their contribution to the creation of the article (for example, “The authors made an equal contribution to the creation of the article” or specify what personal contribution each author made to the creation of the article).

Date, signature of the author(s)”.


Articles of an applied nature should be reviewed by an expert commission on the secrecy regime with the provision of an appropriate certificate on the absence of information prohibited for publication.

The author attaches consent to the processing of personal data to the set of documents.

Articles formatted without taking into account the listed requirements are not considered by the editorial board of the journal.


Submission of the material to the editorial office


Materials are provided to the editorial office through the official website of the journal “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” at https://vestnikkf.ru. To submit the material, the author must register and create a personal account.

After registering in your personal account, click on the “Send manuscript” button. Select “Create” –>“Journal article”.

Enter the title of the article. The article creation window opens. Fill in the information in the “Metadata” and “Authors” sections. Upload in the “Files” section (click on the “Upload” button):

– an article in the format .docx;

– an article with the signatures of the authors on the last sheet in the format .pdf;

– illustrations (drawings, tables, graphs, diagrams, etc.) in the format.jpg (if available);

– review of the supervisor in .pdf format (if available);

– consent to the processing of personal data in .pdf format.

The sections “Text”, “List of references” and “Topics” do not need to be filled in.

Click on the “Submit manuscript” button. Select “Request for publication”. In the list of publications, select “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”, in the list of headings select the current heading from the suggested list and click “Send an application”.

When an article is submitted to the editorial office, it undergoes an initial check for compliance with formal requirements.

If it is necessary to finalize the article, all changes are made to the text document. The original version of the article is deleted, and the corrected version is uploaded to the “Files” section on the application page.

The editorial board of the journal “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad Branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” is guided by ethical norms accepted by the international scientific community. In its activities, the editorial board follows the recommendations of the Committee on Scientific Ethics of Publications (http://publicationethics.org/ ). The publishing house observes a neutral position on the issues published in the journal.

The editorial board of the journal “Vestnik Bulletin of the Kaliningrad Branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs” is guided by the ethical standards proposed by the Committee on Ethics of Scientific Publications COPE, the European Association of Scientific Editors EASE (http://www.ease.org.uk/), the Council of Scientific Editors CSE (http://www.councilscienceeditors.org ), the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers ASEP (http://rasep.ru/ ).

The author of the article, the editor, the reviewer, the publisher are obliged to observe ethical standards at all stages of publication, starting from submission of the article and ending with its publication in the journal.

The ethical rules of the journal should be followed by the authors, the reviewers, the members of the editorial board, editorial staff, as well as all participants in the process of publishing information provided by the journal.

The editor-in-chief, the deputy editor-in-chief, editorial board members, and editorial staff play an important role in resolving potential cases of data fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, image manipulation, unethical research, biased reporting, copyright infringement, redundant or duplicated publications and the conflicts of interest.

The editor-in-chief (deputy editor-in-chief) provides ethical support and control:

- ensures executing of readers’ and authors’ requests;

- ensures high quality of published materials;

- guarantees and ensures freedom of expression;

- ensures the integrity of published scientific materials;

- if necessary, ensures the publication of corrections, clarifications, refutations and apologies.

Decisions to publish or reject an article are based solely on its value, originality, readability and relevance of the content to the journal’s subject matter.

The rules for authors and reviewers, which are regularly reviewed and adjusted, specify the requirements for them.

The Editor-in-Chief (Deputy Editor-in-Chief) and editorial staff ensure the right of reviewers to confidentiality of their work, confidentiality of submitted materials up to their publication, and timely response to complaints.

The Journal may publish justified criticism of previously published material, unless convincing reasons to refrain from such publications are presented (by the Editor-in-Chief or others). The author of the criticized material is given the opportunity to familiarize himself with it and respond to the comments made before the publication of the criticism.

The Editor-in-Chief (Deputy Editor-in-Chief) and the editorial staff are obliged to take adequate action if there is a suspicion of a breach of ethical standards (request clarifications from the authors, etc.). If an appropriate investigation reveals the fact of falsification, the article is not accepted for publication, and such a case is brought to the readers’ attention.

Decisions to publish articles are based on their quality and interest to readers.

Interests (financial, personal, political, religious) of the participants of the publication process (of the authors, Editor-in-Chief, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, members of the editorial board, editorial staff, reviewers, etc.) that may affect the presentation and objective evaluation of the research results are to be disclosed.

Illegal actions are considered to be:

- forgery, falsification;

- plagiarism (misappropriation of intellectual property, as well as high degree of copying of other work);

- duplicated or redundant publication (word-for-word reproduction of the text of another publication by the same author in excess of 30%).

Any previous publications should be disclosed in the article.

Misconduct allegations with detailed facts to substantiate claims are to be considered even if anonymized.

The journal encourages discussion and constructive criticism of the materials published in it.

When reviewing an article, the editorial board of the journal may check the material using the “Anti-Plagiarism” system. If borrowings are idetified, the editorial board acts in accordance with the COPE rules.


Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications


The Code of Ethics for Scholarly Publishing unites and discloses the general principles and rules that should guide the participants of the process of scholarly publishing: authors, reviewers, editors, publishers, distributors and readers in their relationship.


Key Terms:


Ethics of scientific publications is a system of norms of professional behaviour in the relationship between authors, reviewers, editors, publishers and readers in the process of creation, dissemination and use of scientific publications.

Editor is a representative of a scientific journal or publishing house who prepares materials for publication and communicates with authors and readers of scientific publications.

Author is a person or a group of persons (the collective of authors) involved in the creation of publication of scientific research results.

Reviewer is an expert acting on behalf of a scientific journal or publishing house and conducting scientific expertise of the author’s materials to determine the possibility of their publication.

Publisher is a legal entity or an individual carrying out the publication of a scientific publication.

Reader is any person who has reviewed the published materials.

Plagiarism is intentional appropriation of authorship of the work of science or art, another’s ideas or inventions. Plagiarism may be considered a violation of copyright and patent laws and as such may subject to legal liability.



Principles of Professional Ethics in the Activities of

Editor and Publisher


In his/her activity, the editor is responsible for the publication of author’s works, and therefore is guided by the following fundamental principles:

- when making a decision to publish, the editor of a scientific journal is guided by the reliability of data presentation and the scientific significance of the work in question;

- the editor should evaluate the intellectual content of manuscripts regardless of the authors' race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, origin, nationality, social status, or political preferences;

- unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts should not be used for personal purposes or shared with third parties without the written consent of the author. Information or ideas obtained during editing related to possible benefits should be kept confidential and not used for personal gain;

- the editor should not allow information to be published if there is sufficient reason to believe that it is plagiarized;

- the editor together with the publisher should not leave any claims unanswered concerning the reviewed manuscripts or published materials, and in case of a conflict situation take all necessary measures to restore the violated rights.


Ethical Principles in the Activity of a Reviewer


The reviewer carries out scientific expertise of author’s materials, therefore his/her actions should be unbiased and adhere the following principles:

- the manuscript received for review is to be treated as a confidential document, which must not be passed for review or discussion to third parties not authorized by the editorial office;

- the reviewer is obliged to give an objective and reasoned assessment of the presented research results. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable;

- unpublished data obtained from manuscripts submitted for review should not be used by the reviewer for personal purposes;

- a reviewer who, in his/her opinion, is not qualified enough to evaluate the manuscript or cannot be objective, for example, in case of a conflict of interest with the author or an organization, should inform the editor about it with a request to exclude him/her from the process of reviewing this manuscript.


Principles the Author of Scientific Publications Should Guide


An author is defined as a researcher who has made a substantial intellectual contribution to the published work and has presented the results of his/her research. In the case of co-authorship, each author is responsible for at least one component of the work and should be aware of the contribution of others. He should have full confidence in the qualifications and professionalism of his co-authors.

All persons listed as authors must meet the definition of authorship. Each author’s participation in the work must be sufficiently substantial, as each author is publicly responsible for its respective component.

Authors may enter into separate, additional contractual agreements to disseminate the published work (e.g., place it in a university (affiliated) repository or publish it in a book), with acknowledgement of its original publication in this journal.

All persons related to the work but who do not meet the criteria for authorship are listed in the Acknowledgements/ Acknowledgements section (persons who helped in planning the research, selecting material and analyzing it, preparing the manuscript for printing, etc.).

The author has no right to send the same text to different editors. If previously published information is used in the article, the author is obliged to indicate its source, and at the request of the editor to provide a copy of the quoted material.

The author should confirm that his/her article is original and indicate the sources of the cited information.

At the time of article submission, it should be stated whether artificial intelligence (AI) or AI-based technologies were used in the preparation of the manuscript or part of it. In a separate section of the manuscript (which may be a methods section), authors should clearly describe how AI was used in the research and/or preparation of the manuscript. This may include the use of LLMs, chat bots (such as ChatGPT) and image creators. Artificial intelligence or AI-enabled technologies are not considered as authors and should not be listed as authors or co-authors in the manuscript. Similarly, they should not be listed as authors or co-authors in references.

The author must declare a potential conflict of interest (e.g., circumstances that, from his point of view, may influence the publication process).

If a significant error in publication is discovered, the author is obliged to inform the editor immediately. During the preparation of the material for publication, the author is obliged to co-operate with the editor and publisher and, if necessary, to make appropriate changes to the text.

The author assumes full responsibility for possible plagiarism of text, figures and other materials. Any copyright infringement will be considered according to the criteria proposed by COPE.

The author (or team of authors) realizes that he/she bears the initial responsibility for the novelty and reliability of the results of the scientific research, and complies with the following principles:

- the authors of the article must provide reliable results of the research conducted. Deliberately erroneous or falsified statements are unacceptable;

- the authors must guarantee that the research results stated in the submitted manuscript are completely original. Borrowed fragments or statements should be formalized with obligatory indication of the author and primary source. Excessive borrowing, as well as plagiarism in any form, including unattributed quotations, paraphrasing or appropriation of the results of others’ research is unethical and unacceptable;

- the contributions of all individuals who have influenced the research in one way or another should be recognized, in particular, the paper should provide references to the papers that were important in the conduct of the research;

- authors should not submit to the journal a manuscript that has been sent to another journal and is under review, or an article that has already been published in another journal;

- the co-authors of the article should include all persons who have made a significant contribution to the research. Among the co-authors it is inadmissible to specify persons who did not participate in the research;

- if the author discovers significant errors or inaccuracies in the article at the stage of its review or after its publication, he/she should notify the editorial board of the journal as soon as possible.


Conflict of Interest


A conflict of interest arises when an author (or the institution he/she works for), reviewer, editor, or any participant of the publication process has financial or private interests (personal relationships, academic competition, intellectual disagreements, etc.) that may adversely affect their actions.

Reviewers provide the Editorial Board with information about possible conflicts of interest that could influence their opinion on the manuscript. If there is such a danger, they refrain from reviewing this material. Reviewers may not use the results of the work under review for their own interests before its publication.

All participants of the process of preparing an article for publication are required to disclose any relationships that could be considered a potential source of conflict of interest.

The Editorial Board publishes such information if it is considered to  influence the assessment of the manuscript.

1. The process of the formation of the issue is carried out by the journal’s editorial board, which includes Russian specialists. The journal is published by the editorial department.

2. The journal is peer-reviewed. The reviewers are recognized, qualified Russian specialists in their respective fields of knowledge.

3. The editorial board ensures the review of all scientific materials and monitors the authors’ compliance with the rules for formatting articles.

4. Authors, reviewers, the editorial board and the editorial staff of the journal comply with the publication ethics provisions.

5. The journal publishes relevant, authentic, objective and science-based materials sent to print for the first time free of charge and without payment of fee. It does not publish journalistic, popular and educational texts, advertisement and other non-core materials.

6. The editorial board reserves the right to edit the title and the text of scientific material, and the bibliographic list.

7. When compiling a journal issue, preference is given to the following materials:

- corresponding to the thematic profile and headings of the journal;

- containing a clear description of the problem and a reasoned author’s version of its solution;

- having an original character (prepared by the authors independently and previously unpublished);

- possessing research novelty (based on the results of one’s own scientific research and presenting new scientific knowledge);

- having a scientific style of presentation (general language literacy, logic, consistency, clarity, special terminology, references, etc.).

8. The article is submitted to the editor in the electronic form (via a personal account on the website https://vestnikkf.ru), drawn up in accordance with the requirements for scientific articles in the journal “Bulletin of the Kaliningrad Branch of St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”.

9. The received article is registered. An individual registration number is assigned to the article.

10. After registration the article is sent for initial assessment to the editor-in-chief (deputy editor-in-chief), who appoints reviewers for the article.

11. After the appointment of reviewers, the personal data of the author (authors) is removed from the article. This version of the article is sent to reviewers by email.

12. After conducting an expert assessment of the article, the reviewer sends an appropriately processed review to the editor.

13. The decision to publish an article is made by the editor-in-chief (deputy editor-in-chief) and the editorial board of the journal depending on the results of reviewing and checking the originality of the author’s manuscript by specialized software.

If the originality of the text is below 70% (however, borrowings from one source cannot account for more than 7%; borrowings are not allowed in conclusions), the article is rejected.

14. No more than one article by one author including co-authorship, can be published in one issue of the journal.

15. The editors inform the author about the decision made regarding his article through their personal account on the journal’s website. If necessary, the author is given recommendations for improving the material. If a decision is made to reject the publication, the reasons for this decision are explained. Refusal to publish an article may occur for the following reasons:

- the article submitted for review was previously published by the author in another publication;

- it does not correspond to the topics and specialties of the journal;

- has a low level of scientific character and originality;

- improperly formatted;

- the author refuses to make technical improvements to the article or eliminate other errors identified by the reviewers and the publishing editor of the journal.

The article revised by the author on the base of the reviewer’s recommendations is sent by the editors to the same reviewer for re-review.

16. If an article is recommended for publication, it undergoes editorial preparation - technical and literary editing, proofreading. The final version of the article prepared for publication is agreed upon with the author (authors).

17. The next issue of the journal includes articles which have positive reviews and agreed with the author (authors) by the time the layout starts (in accordance with the production schedule).

18. The magazine is a quarterly publication.   It is published in March, June, September and December.

19. Copyright for all materials published in the journal belongs to the founder and the publisher.

20. The authors guarantee the journal the right to reproduce unique materials in their work. In case of unauthorized use of materials by the authors, the rights to which belong to the third parties, the authors of the manuscript bear responsibility for its reproduction.

All scientific articles submitted to the editorial office of the journal undergo mandatory blind review (the reviewer does not know the authors of the manuscript; the authors of the manuscript do not know the reviewers). The manuscripts are sent to reviewers for expert evaluation. Review of articles is carried out by members of the editorial board, as well as by invited reviewers –leading experts in the relevant branch of legal and pedagogical science.

The received manuscript within a month is reviewed and evaluated in terms of compliance with the formal requirements of the editorial board of the journal and, upon its approval, sent for review.

The review is carried out by the reviewers on the instructions of the chief editor (deputy chief editor) of the journal within a month after they receive the article subject to review. At the request of the reviewer, this period may be extended, but may not exceed 2 months from the moment of submission of the manuscript to the reviewer.

The maximum period of consideration of articles is not more than 3 months from the moment of submission of manuscript of the article to the editorial office.

Each reviewer has the right to refuse a review if there is a clear conflict of interest affecting the perception and interpretation of the manuscript materials.

A positive review is not a sufficient reason to publish an article. The final decision on publication is taken by the editor-in-chief (deputy chief editor) of the journal and the editorial board.

If the article receives a negative review by the reviewer, the author is given a month to eliminate the shortcomings revealed by the review and send the article to the editorial office for a second review. In this case, the date of return of the finalized manuscript is considered to be the date of receipt of the article.


The review of the article consists of the following mandatory parts:


1. Title part.

In the title part, the reviewer specifies the name of the article being reviewed.


2. Main part consisting of sections:

- correspondence of the title and text of the article to the topics and specialties of the journal (corresponds, partially corresponds, does not correspond);

- the name of the recommended entry;

- the degree of relevance of the presented material (high, medium, low);

- the degree of its scientific novelty (high, medium, low);

- the degree of scientific and/or practical interest of the presented material (high, medium, low);

- completeness of the topic (high, medium, low);

- language and style of presentation (consistent with the genre of scientific article, partially consistent, not consistent);

- completeness and quality of conclusions (high, medium, low, no conclusions in the article);

- compliance with the requirements for the formatting of the scientific and reference apparatus (meets, partially complies, does not comply);

- comments.

In the main part the reviewer gives an expert assessment of the correspondence of the article to the specialties of “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad branch of the Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”, evaluates the relevance, novelty, scientific and/or practical interest of the presented material, correspondence of the article title to its content, completeness of the topic disclosure, language and style of presentation, completeness and quality of conclusions, expresses his comments on the content, design, completeness and quality of illustrations.


3. Operative part.

In the operative part, the reviewer on the basis ofhis articleanalysis gives a conclusion on the possibility of publishing a peer-reviewed article in the “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad branch of the Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”. The reviewer may recommend:

-  to accept the article for publication;

-  to accept the article for publication with revisions without re-review;

-  reject the article by referring it for further revision and subsequent review;

-  reject the article.


4. Final part.

In the final part, the reviewer indicates his surname and initials, the date of signing and endorsesthe review by his personal signature.


The reviewer is responsible for compliance of the peer-reviewed articles which received a recommendation from him to be published with the criteria for scientific publications in the “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad branch of the Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”.

In the event of a refusal to publish an article for one reason or another, the editorial office sends the author a reasoned notice of the decision. If the publication of the article was refused on the results of the review, a copy of the negative review received on this article is attached to the notification. If the re-review results in a negative comment by the reviewer of the article, the editorial office finally refuses the author to publish this article. An article not recommendedfor publicationby a decision of the editorial board shall not be accepted for reconsideration. A refusal to publish is sent to the author by e-mail.

Information about the reviewer can be disclosedto the authorby the editorial board or editorial office only with the consent of the reviewer.

Reviews are kept in the editorial office for five years from the moment of signing by the reviewer. The editorial office is obliged to provide reviews of the articles submitted for publication, as well as published in the “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad Branch of the Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”, at the request of expert councils in the VAK.




on the manuscript of the scientific article «Title» submitted for publication in the journal «Vestnik of the Kaliningrad branch of the Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia»


Correspondence of the title and text of the article to the topics and specialties of the journal.

The article submitted for review corresponds to specialty 5.1.4. Criminal law sciences (legal sciences).

The name of the recommended category.

Recommended category of the journal:

«Criminal Law and Crime Qualification Features».

The presence in the abstract of the article of sections«introduction», «methods», «results» – are available.

The presence in the text of the article of sections «introduction», «methods», «results», «discussion» (if available), «conclusion» – there are sections «introduction», «methods», «results», «conclusion». There is no «discussion» section.

Completeness of disclosure of the contents of the sections «introduction», «methods», «results», «discussion» (if available), «conclusion» available in the text of the article – the section «methods» in the article is identical to the section «methods» in the abstract, contains a simple enumeration of research methods, the essence of which is not disclosed by the author. The completeness of the disclosure of the contents of the remaining sections is high.

The level of relevance of the presented material is high.

The degree of its scientific novelty is average. The article makes a certain contribution to the study of the concept of crime.

The degree of scientific and/or practical interest of the material presented is average. The results of the study expand scientific knowledge about the quantitative characteristics of crime as a social negative legal phenomenon. At the same time, the article does not specify the ways of using new knowledge in the practical activities of internal affairs agencies.

The comprehensiveness of the topic is high.

The language and style of presentation corresponds to the genre of the scientific article, however there has been a large number of speech deficiencies.

Completeness and quality of conclusions - no conclusions in the article.

Compliance with the requirements for the design of the scientific reference apparatus - the bibliographic list is not designed according to the GOST, it has educational publications, which according to the rules of the journal should be specified only in footnotes.

There are no comments.

Based on the above it is possible to draw general conclusion: the article «Title» does not meet the requirements for the materials submitted for publication in the «Vestnik of the Kaliningrad Branch of the Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia», the manuscript should be sent to the author for revision and subsequent review.


«____» __________ 20___.

Plata za publikaciyu i recenzirovanie statey otsutstvuet

The frequency of the issue of the journal is 4 times a year, coming out in March, June, September and December. 


to the processing of personal data in the scientific periodical “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”


(surname, name, patronymic in full words)

(hereinafter referred to as the subject of personal data), registered at: __________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________ Main identity document: passport series _____ № __________________________

date of issue:__________________ issued by  ________________________


(series, number, date and place of issue, information about the authority that issued the main document certifying identity (to be filled in in accordance with the requirements of Part 4 of Article 9 of Federal Law No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data”))

I give my consent to the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education “St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Kaliningrad Branch)” (hereinafter - the operator) located at the address: 30 Generala Galitskogo str., Kaliningrad, 236006, Russia.

to process my personal data in connection with granting the right to use the work of which I am the author. Work - ________________________________

(article, abstractsof the speech, review, etc.)


(title of the work)


(hereinafter referred to as the work) is subject to inclusion in the journal “Vestnik of the Kaliningrad Branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” ISSN 2227-7226, certificate of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications PI No.FS77-84264 dated December 26, 2022.

I confirm the accuracy and completeness of personal data. In cases of changes to any part of personal data, I undertaketo inform the operator about this within a reasonable period (but not more than 15 days) by sending relevant information through the author's personal account on the journal's website on the Internet: https://vestnikkf.ru.

1. The purpose of personal data processing is:

1.1. reviewing the work;

1.2. introduction to the document flow and accounting in the operator's office of the received consents to the processing of personal data;

1.3. preparation and placement of metadata of a work included in a periodical, such as: surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the author, academic degree, academic title, place of work, e-mail address, ORCID, title of the work, abstract, keywords, bibliographic list of the article, other information specified by the author in the application for publication;

1.4. preparation for the placement of electronic versions of articles and issues of the periodical in open free access in at least one of the following formats: pdf, .doc, .docx, .html;

1.5. creation of archives of issues of the periodical and their placement in the public domain;

1.6. production and delivery to the authorized bodies of mandatory copies of each issue of the periodical;

1.7. formation of the operator's library collections, provision of periodical issues to national and foreign libraries, providing access to scientific information and familiarization with the values of national or world culture;

1.8. providingof issues of the periodical to national and international abstract databases and citation systems, including RSCI, CyberLeninka;

1.9. other actions, including those aimed at ensuring a complete editorial and publishing cycle, including ____________________________________________


(additional actions may be listed at the discretion of the operator and the subject of personal data)

2. The operator has the right to process personal data for other purposes established by the current legislation, regulatory legal and other acts of the founder, other public authorities, the charter and local regulations in force at the operator.

3. For the purposes provided for in paragraph 1 of this Consent, the following information and data are subject to processing: surname, first name, patronymic (if any); year of birth, address of state registration; academic degree, academic title; place of work, position; telephone, e–mail address; data of the identity document (series and the number issued by whom and when).

3.1. Personal data in respect of which the personal data subject is prohibited from processing: ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

(to be filled in by the subject of personal data indicating the specific action that is prohibited in relation to personal data of each category)

4. The processing of personal data by the operator is carried out by one or a combination of the following actions: collection, creation, recording, accumulation, clarification, modification, addition, update, extraction, copying, use, transfer, distribution, provision, access, placement, systematization, archiving, storage, blocking, deletion, destruction.

4.1. The actions provided for in clause 4 of this Consent are performed in various ways, including through non-automated, exclusive automated, mixed processing of personal data and may involve the use of the operator's official website on the Internet, other private, state and municipal information resources, services, including those listed in Table No. 1 Clause 4.1 of this Consent to the processing of personal data.

Data about information resources and services through which the operator will carry out mixed and automated processing of personal data:


Table No. 1 “List of information resources and services used for processing

personal data”


Information resource/Personal Data Management service


Actions with personal data




Collection, creation, recording, accumulation, clarification, modification, addition, update, extraction, copying, use, transfer, distribution, access, placement, systematization, archiving, storage, blocking, deletion, destruction




















5. The period during which the consent of the personal data subject is valid is determined by the period for the operator to exercise the right to use the work provided by the personal data subject. The author's work, after the publication of the next issue of the storage and processing of archival numbers is carried out in accordance with paragraph 2 of Part 1.1. of Article 1 of Federal Law No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data” in accordance with the legislation on archival business. The storage of data contained in the license agreement concluded with the author is carried out in accordance with the requirements provided for the organization of office work contained in the normative legal acts of authorized federal government bodies in the field of archival affairs and office management, as well as the federal government body performing the functions of the founder of the operator.

6. This Consent is valid from the moment of its signing until the moment of withdrawal in writing. If the personal data subject withdraws Consent to the processing of personal data, the operator has the right to: continue processing personal data without the consent of the personal data subject if there are grounds provided for by Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data” and regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with it; or revoke the work if it is impossible to further process personal data in accordance with the procedure regulated by international and national rules applied by the Russian editorial, publishing, and author's community.





____________________________        ________________       _______________

Full name of the personal datasubjectsignature date

                        Alekseeva Anna
Alekseeva Anna doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation from 01.01.2024 until now

SPIN: 2905-2710 ORCID:0000-0002-4569-7564
                        Aleshina-Alekseeva Ekaterina
Aleshina-Alekseeva Ekaterina Saint-Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (kafedra ugolovnogo prava, starshiy prepodavatel')

                        Anisimova Tat'yana
Anisimova Tat'yana Kaliningradskiy filial Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta MVD Rossii (SEiGD, professor)
doctor of philological sciences


SPIN: 3483-6421 ORCID:0000-0002-6386-2041
                        Balandin Alexey
Balandin Alexey Tyumen Institute for Advanced Studies employees of the MIA of Russia (Kafedra fizicheskoy podgotovki sotrudnikov OVD, starshiy prepodavatel')

                                                            Belokobyl'skaya O I
Belokobyl'skaya O I Volgogradskaya akademiya MVD RF

                        Bichan Natal'ya Vital'evna
Bichan Natal'ya Vital'evna Kaliningradskiy filial Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta MVD Rossii (taktiko-special'noy, ognevoy i fizicheskoy podgotovki, starshiy prepodavatel')
from 01.01.2018 until now candidate of pedagogical sciences from 01.01.2015 until now

                        Vasil'eva Ol'ga
Vasil'eva Ol'ga Kaliningrad branch of Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry Internal Affairs of Russian Federation (nauchno-issledovatel'skoe i redakcionno-izdatel'skoe otdelenie, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik)
employee from 01.01.2000 until now

                        Veklenko Sergey
Veklenko Sergey Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (kafedra ugolovnogo prava, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences from 01.01.2004 until now
Academic rank Zasluzhennyy rabotnik vysshey shkoly Rossiyskoy Federacii from 01.01.2014 until now
professor from 01.01.2005 until now

                        Glubokiy Vladimir
Glubokiy Vladimir Sibirskiy yuridicheskiy institut MVD Rossii (kafedra ognevoy podgotovki, zamestitel' nachal'nika kafedry)
from 01.01.2023 to 01.01.2024

                        Grichanov Anton
Grichanov Anton ALL-RUSSIAN ADVANCED TRAINING INSTITUTE OF THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION (Tactical and specialized training and operational planning, lecturer)
candidate of pedagogical sciences

                        Dzhanteev Taugeri
Dzhanteev Taugeri Academy of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (faculty, Officer)
candidate of sociological sciences

                        Dudurich Ol'ga
Dudurich Ol'ga Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (ONC "Institute of Education and Humanities")
graduate student from 01.01.2020 to 01.01.2022

Bavsun Maksim  — Editor in chief
Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (Deputy Head of the University (for Research))
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
SPIN: 8591-6572 ORCID:0000-0002-1407-2609 Web Of Science: https://publons.com/researcher/AAI-2365-2021/
Alekseeva Anna  — Deputy Chief Editor
Kaliningrad branch of Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (Kaliningradskiy filial, kafedra UPKiUIP, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation from 01.01.2024 until now
Kaliningrad, Kalinigrad, Russian Federation
Anisimov Aleksey  — Member of the Editorial Board

Astafichyev Pavyel Aleksandrovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry Internal Affairs of Russian Federation (kafedra konstitucionnogo i mezhdunarodnogo prava)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Russian Federation
Veklenko Sergey  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kaliningrad branch of the St. Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Russian Federation
Grigoryev Anatoliy  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kaliningrad Branch of the Saint-Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (Department of Administrative Legal Disciplines and Information Support of Internal Affairs Bodies, head of department)
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Academic rank
docent from 01.01.2010 until now
Kaliningrad, Kalinigrad, Russian Federation
Dronova Olga  — Member of the Editorial Board
Volgograd Academy of the MIA of Russia (kafedra kriminalisticheskoy tehniki, professor)
employee from 01.01.2016 until now
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

professor from 01.01.2024 until now
Volgograd, Russian Federation
Ivanova Svetlana Vital'evna  — Member of the Editorial Board

Kaplunov Andrey  — Member of the Editorial Board
Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (Professor of the Department of Administrative Law)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Kolosovich Marina  — Member of the Editorial Board
Volgogradskaya akademiya MVD Rossii (ugolovnyy process, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Volgograd, Volgograd, Russian Federation
Melikhov Aleksandr  — Member of the Editorial Board
Volgogradskaya akademiya MVD Rossii (kafedra konstitucionnogo i administrativnogo prava, docent)
employee from 01.01.2002 until now
doctor of jurisprudence sciences from 01.01.2007 until now
Academic rank laureat premiy Volgogradskoy oblasti v sfere nauki i tehniki
docent from 01.01.2018 until now
Volgograd, Volgograd, Russian Federation
Pracko Gennadiy  — Member of the Editorial Board
Donskoy gosudarstvennyy tehnicheskiy universitet (Kommercheskoe i predprinimatel'skoe pravo, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences ,
doctor of philosophical sciences

Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Red'ko Aleksandr  — Member of the Editorial Board
Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (research department, head of the research department)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences from 01.01.2011 until now

Volgograd, Volgograd, Russian Federation
Stulov Andrey  — Member of the Editorial Board
Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry Internal Affairs of Russian Federation (Kaliningrad branch, Senior editor)
employee from 01.01.2012 until now

Kaliningrad, Kalinigrad, Russian Federation
Ukhov Vladimir  — Member of the Editorial Board
Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (kafedra administrativnogo prava, nachal'nik)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Fadeeva Violetta Vladimirovna  — Member of the Editorial Board


The mission of the journal is to bring together scientists and practitioners conducting research on topical issues of legal science and pedagogy in relation to law enforcement.

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