Inspection as a security measure in cases of administrative offences infringing on intellectual property on the Internet
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The development of the Internet today has reached a global scale, which served the transition of a significant array of public relations to a digital format. The natural continuation of this process was the increase in the number of offenses, the place of which is the global network. Among the most vulnerable objects of legal protection in this sense is intellectual property. However, the current administrative and procedural legislation does not provide for sufficient tools to enable the legal recording of evidence on the Internet. The purpose of this article is to develop proposals to legislate the procedural inspection of the web page, as security measures in cases of administrative offenses. Methodology: the work used general methods of cognition - comparison, analysis, synthesis, abstraction, a systemic, structural and functional approach, etc. Results: conducted the study allowed the author to formulate a number of proposals to improve existing legislation. Firstly, it is proposed to establish in the current administrative and procedural legislation a single unified concept and content of procedural examination, as security measures in cases of administrative offenses, as well as requirements for its conduct. Secondly, the specificity of the web page as an object of inspection suggests that the requirements for its inspection should be fixed in a separate legal norm, recognizing this procedural action as a special kind of procedural inspection in general.

intellectual property, administrative responsibility, security measures, inspection, Internet
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