Professional attitude, attitude towards senior staff, and self-perception of a law enforcement officer as determinants of their professional loyalty
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. The author explores the loyalty of law enforcement officers, and its psychological organization. The importance of the study is justified by the lack of theoretical knowledge about the content, structure, and factors of loyalty formation in law enforcement officers. It is assumed that the professional loyalty of employees is conditioned by three types of relations, which are simultaneously the bases of its expression. The psychological structure of loyalty consists of a) attitude towards professional activity, b) the senior staff, and c) the employee’s selfperception as a specialist. The article lays grounds to the importance of studying these types of attitudes for assessing the state of loyalty, prognosis and correction, the author points out the necessity of developing tools for its diagnostics. The aim of study was to operationalize the construct of professional loyalty of law enforcement officers, based on assumption of role of the immediate supervisor in its formation. Research methodology, methods, and techniques. At the preliminary stage the author user statistical research methods: descriptive statistics measures, assessment of internal consistency y α-Cronbach’s calculation. At the construct stage confirmatory factor analysis method was used. Hypothesis solving involved creating and testing a set of statements assessing loyalty. Convergent indicator of loyalty was the scale «Continued loyalty» of the method «Scale of organizational commitment» by J. Meyer and N. Allen, adapted by the author of the research. The result of the study is a psychometric confirmation of the structural validity of the questionnaire based on the loyalty construct. There were empirically revealed relations of the indicators «Professional attitude» (p ≤ 0,001), «Attitude towards superior» (p ≤ 0,001), «Attitude towards self-esteem» (p ≤ 0,001) and «Attitude towards leaving the organization» (p ≤ 0,001). The research results allow us to operationalize the concept of loyalty and develop an instrument of its assessment. Theoretical significance of the results helps us to expand the scientific ideas about the subjective foundations of law enforcement officers’ loyalty formation, and to reveal the role of the superior in the formation of employee’s loyalty as a derivative of his self-concept and attitude towards the activity.

attitude to the superior, professional attitude, self-assessment, police officers, professional loyalty, psychodiagnostics toolkit
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