Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
UDK 37 Образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга
GRNTI 14.07 Общая педагогика
BBK 740 Общая педагогика. История образования и педагогической мысли. Организация образования
The relevance of the topic is related to the importance of humanitarian education for the formation of worldview and spiritual and moral foundations of the personality. The need for humanistic and humanitarian orientation of University education is justified by many pedagogues. Universities of the MIA of Russia provide students with the opportunity to master a wide range of Humanities. The article presents the results of a study that developed a system of Humanities that affect the spiritual and moral development of students. In the course of the analysis, the worldview and psychological and pedagogical blocks of Humanities were identified, and the number of hours for each course of study was indicated. In addition, the article shows the interdisciplinary connections of Humanities that integrate knowledge on the spiritual and moral sphere of personal development. There are four thematic modules of Humanities: “Man”, “Society”, “Activity”, “Universe”. The analysis of the interdisciplinary interaction of the selected thirteen Humanities is carried out. Examples of forms and methods of formative work are shown, according to the curricula for the mastering these disciplines. The topics, their content, forming competencies, forms and methods of experimental work are correlated, which allows us to clearly trace the interdisciplinary connections.
worldview, University education, self-development, Humanities, spiritual and moral values, spiritual and moral development of cadets
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