Kobylkin Roman

Academic degree
candidate of philosophical sciences from 2006 until now
Science rang
docent, from 2020 until now
  1. Volgograd Academy of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia , Department of Philosophy , Associate Professor , Education level: Doctoral studies Specialty: 47.03.01 Философия 47.04.01 Философия
  2. Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia , Associate Professor , Education level: Doctoral studies Specialty: 47.03.01 Философия 47.04.01 Философия
  3. Federal State Treasury Educational Institution of Higher Education "Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation" (Russia, 400075, Volgograd, Istoricheskaya St., 130) , Department of Philosophy , Associate Professor ,
Volgograd, Russian Federation
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