Diagnostics of the cadets' competencies formation for the prevention of the minors’ involvement in destructive Internet communities
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. In modern realities, when all spheres of human activity are undergoing transformation due to the introduction of information and telecommunication technologies, the educational system is also seriously changing. One of the main vectors of the higher education development in the Russian Federation at the present stage is the orientation of the education result assessment to the development of competencies characterising the ability of a future specialist to act effectively in various, including problematic and creative professional, situations, which requires analysis and development of a diagnostic apparatus for the competencies formation assessment. Research methods. In the research there were used a theoretical analysis of pedagogical and educational literature, normative legal acts and the Internet sources, general scientific methods of scientific cognition. Results. Considering the training of future specialists to prevent the minors’ involvement in destructive Internet communities, it should be noted that vocational training is primarily aimed at the formation of professional competencies. The second important aspect is the diagnosis of the learners' competencies formation. Various methods and approaches can be used to diagnose the cadets' competencies formation in preventing the minors’ involvement in destructive Internet communities. Diagnostics of the cadets' competencies formation to prevent the minors’ involvement in destructive Internet communities can be performed by using the following methods: testing, portfolio, case method, monitoring and analysis of activities, project method, reflection. Each of the methods has its advantages and disadvantages. To achieve the goals and objectives of the educational process it is important to combine these methods. The effectiveness of the used methods depends on the teaching staff professionalism and their creative approach.

minor, destructive Internet communities, prevention, cadet, vocational training, competencies, diagnostic tools
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