Kaluga, Kaluga, Russian Federation
UDK 159.9.072 Психологические исследования, опыты, эксперименты, тесты, измерения
Introduction. Violence in intimate-personal relations is a serious social problem affecting millions of people around the world. Understanding its causes is crucial for developing effective measures for its prevention and elimination. The present research is aimed at studying the social ideas of student youth about the motives for entering into relations, about the causes of violence in intimate-personal relations. Research Methods and Results. The focus group discussion made it possible to identify the leading needs that motivate young people to enter into intimate-personal relations and social orientations reflecting views related to future family formation. The results showed that the identified needs (for support, fear of loneliness and desire to be “like everyone else”) and social norms aimed at material enrichment and career promotion are psychological prerequisites for the origin of violence in intimate-personal relations.
social perceptions, leading needs, social norms, student youth, violence, intimate-personal relations, focus group discussion
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