Socio-cultural and psychological features of adaptation of foreign students in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. Many countries practice such interethnic interaction as teaching foreign students at their universities. And this is an indicator of the integration of these countries into the world community. Such implementation, in turn, requires updating the higher education system taking into account the socio-cultural characteristics of students. Higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are no exception, and since 2002, they have been training specialists in legal and psychological specialties for foreign countries. Currently, the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia trains students from both Far Abroad (countries of Africa, Mongolia, Latin America, the Republic of El Salvador, the Republic of Ecuador, Guinea, Guinea-Besau, Angola, Botswana, Congo, Central African Republic, Santo Me, Principe, and the Near (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan) Abroad. Thus, the relevance of studying the features of socio-cultural adaptation of students of the Faculty of Training foreign Specialists of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia seems to us necessary and important. The purpose it consists in studying the psychological features of the formation of socio-cultural adaptation of students of the Faculty of Training foreign Specialists of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, representatives of countries Near and Far Abroad. Methodology, research methods. As a research method, testing was used to identify the adaptive capabilities of listeners, to study the features of socio-cultural adaptation and to assess psychological well-being. The empirical base of the study is represented by the results of monitoring the above indicators of 50 listeners - representatives of foreign states. Research results. The main directions of psychological research on the problem under study are determined. Psychological features that contribute to the productive socio-cultural adaptation of listeners are revealed. The most vulnerable components of the listeners' personality are identified, on which not only the quality of adaptive abilities depends, but also the time period of adaptation to new living conditions. The study of adaptive capabilities will allow to qualitatively improve the psychological well-being of listeners.

adaptation, testing, students – representatives of Near and Far Abroad, socio-cultural adaptation, psychological well-being
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