Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. This scientific article is devoted to the study of various crime prevention measures among pardoned persons who arrived from the zone of a special military operation, and in particular – murders and intentional infliction of serious harm to health as one of the most socially dangerous acts. Methods. In the course of the research, a general scientific dialectical method of cognition of the surrounding reality was used, involving a complete and comprehensive study of phenomena, consideration of connections and contradictions between them, abstraction and generalization, designed to systematize established facts. Results. The article outlines the need for administrative supervision of pardoned citizens who arrived from the zone of a special military operation, the development and implementation of a program for their social adaptation and re-socialization as a crime deterrent mechanism. The issue of the application of security measures by operational police units against participants in the criminal process, as a result of which the former convicts were convicted, as they may suffer from the criminal actions of the pardoned, was raised. It is concluded that in order to prevent murders, death threats or serious harm to health in the current conditions of the return of pardoned persons from the war zone, it is extremely important at the state level to determine the legal, organizational, staff, technical, financial mechanisms for the implementation of administrative supervision and, if necessary, apply the possibilities of operational investigative activities.

Crime, prevention, prevention, murders, intentional infliction of serious harm to health, death threats, administrative supervision, special military operation, pardoned convicts
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