Post-penitentiary ideal of a personality with “clear conscience”, subjectivity and “technology of working over oneself”
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. The procedural approach in the study of a post-penitentiary subject is examined. In the procedural approach the most important is considered to be the analysis of formation, dynamics and novelty of personal entities. The aim of the research is to set the problem of designing a new identity of a post-penitentiary subject, starting from the change of his criminal attitude, constructive experience of guilt and stable reorientation of behaviour to the realisation of values of law-abiding activity. Methods. The dialectical method and the principle of development constituted the research methods. The main methodological approach of the study was the system approach. The study used general scientific research methods aimed at the collection, analysis, systematisation and generalisation of data, in particular, the analysis of normative legal acts and literature references directly related to the study of the problem of designing a new identity of a post-penitentiary subject. Results. The concept of “post-penitentiary ideal of a personality” is defined through the realisation and assumption of guilt for the deed, all responsibility for their future existence and activity. The article considers the problem of self-projecting of an identity of a post-penitentiary personality as an object of legal psychology research, which implies the adaptation of a personality to the “post-violent stage” of its free existence in society. In this case, a new identity, as a result of the post-penitentiary subject’s work over himself, goes beyond the individual self, as it covers broader contexts of a person’s life. Such personal transformations are possible through the introduction of effective psychological practices (correctional programs), self-design and self-development of a post-penitentiary subject. The analysis of foreign experience allowed identifying a number of “effective practices” used by penitentiary psychologists for adults and juveniles.

post-penitentiary subject, probation, personal identity, self-projection, criminal attitudes, guilt
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