Prevention activities by transport police agencies toward administrative offences in the sphere of illegal exploitation of aquatic biological resources
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Abstract (English):
Abstract: Introduction. The fundamental goal of our state in the sphere of the use and protection of aquatic biological resources is the comprehensive enforcement of thelegislation not only by economic entities, but also by all parties concerned, aimed at conservation of biological natural resources. Fishingfor some small northern peoples of Russia is their means of existence, and for example, in the coastal regions of Kamchatka, Primorsky and Sakhalin Territory and some others, fishing is the main type of employment for the population living there. Despite this, it should not be forgotten that biological resources as alimentary raw materials are restored under conditions of their rational use and control by the state. Ill-considered and irrational use of biological resources will ultimately lead to the complete disappearance of aquatic biological resources. In recent years, a significant increase in offenses related to the use of aquatic biological resources has been recorded in the Russian Federation. In this regard, law enforcement agencies, state control and supervision bodies in the sphere of protection of aquatic biological resources jointly carry out many preventive measures to counter such offenses and to identify the causes and conditions of their commission. Methods. Working on the paper, we used the research method, methods of analysis of the current legislation, as well as available statistical indicators of the activities of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on transport and othergovernment institutions exercising supervision, control and protection of aquatic biological resources. Results.This article discusses administrative offenses inthe sphere of illegal harvesting of aquatic bioresources and preventive measures taken bytransport police agencies to hinder the violations in question. The statistics of preventive measures carried outbyterritorial law enforcement bodies on transport and other government institutions exercising supervision, control and protection of aquatic biological resourcesare analyzed. The main areas of activity and measures taken by the relevant authorities to prevent offenses in the sphere of illegal harvesting of aquatic biological resources are also highlighted.

prevention of administrative offenses, aquatic biological resources, illegal harvesting, transport police, preventive measures
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