St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
UDK 159.9 Психология
The article deals with the issues of employee’s non-normativity, its assessment and classification, including personnel risks as indicators of his/her psychological reliability. Non-normativity represents disregard for respect of accepted social norms and rules of behavior, including those in professional activity; absence of internal prohibitions on violation of norms of behavior and activity. The author demonstrates that non-normativity of an employee is a personnel risk, which can be increased by the intellectual abilities of an employee and / or peculiarities of behavior regulation. Types of non-normative employee are described: 1) non-normative, creative-emotional, 2) non-normative, creatively rational, 3) non-normative, reproductively rational, 4) non-normative, reproductive-emotional, 5) non-normative, mixed. The results of staff (personal-professional) diagnostics using the author’s questionnaire «Normativity. Intellect. Regulation» are presented. The results revealed the possibility of applying this questionnaire to assess the types and qualitative characteristics of employee’s non-normativity and the personnel risks that are relevant to it. Prospective directions of the research of the stated problem, in particular - determination and description of the preferable development of career, solved professional tasks, as well as career growth and professional-psychological type in employees of different types of social non-normativity are determined.
norm, non-normality, psychological reliability, personnel risks, psychodiagnostics, intellectual abilities, regulation of behavior
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