Russian Federation
UDK 343.9 Криминология. Криминалистика
Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the methods of committing crimes provided for inArticle 137 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation. Special attention is paid to the influence of information technology on the formation of individual criminal behavior: the choice of ways to commit crimes that violate privacy (in 2020-2021, 87% of cases are accounted for by information technology). A significant factor in the analysis of crimes violating privacy is the change in the statistical accounting of the methods of committing crimes: since 2022, the forms of federal statistical observation reflect the methods of committing crimes in the field of information and telecommunications technologies provided for in Part 3 of Article 137 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation. Methods: The research methodology consists of general scientific methods of cognition of social processes, in particular, the socio-legal phenomenon of crime (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, system-structural method, measurement, description, abstraction), as well as private scientific methods - document analysis, statistical methods. As an empirical base, separate forms of statistical observationof theFederal State Institution “Main Information and Analysis Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation”,information from the Internet resource “Judicial and Regulatory Acts of the Russian Federation”, as well as information from other online publications were used. Results: In this article, individual ways of violating privacy are selected as the subject of study due to their significant diversity. In particular, the following methods of committing crimes, confirmed by statistical data, were considered: the Internet, social networks, computer equipment, instant messaging tools, mobile communication tools, software tools.
privacy, personal secret, family secret, dissemination of information, methods of committing crimes, information and telecommunication technologies, social networks
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