Implementation of individually oriented rehabilitation programs with juvenile offenders in view of the specifics of their guilt experience
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. The development of restorative justice continues to be a topical activity area of the subjects of the juvenile delinquency prevention system over the past decades. The need for its development stems from the high need of state and public institutions to increase the humanistic orientation and scientific validity of traditional measures of criminal law impact on juvenile offenders. The existing rehabilitation programs first of all focus on the application of educational measures to a juvenile offender. At the same time, law enforcement practice largely continues to follow the principles of «adult», mainly punitive justice, and when conducting traditional rehabilitation programs with juvenile offenders, the specifics of their guilt experience are not taken into account. Methods. In the course of experimental work carried out at the Temporary Detention Center for Juvenile Offenders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Perm Region (hereinafter referred to as the Center), not only the psychological characteristics of juvenile offenders that led to the formation of delinquent behavior, but also the specifics of their experience of guilt for the offense committed were studied. Results. The reliable data obtained in the course of empirical research served as the basis for sound theoretical generalizations and the development of individually oriented rehabilitation programs, which creation experience is analyzed in this article.

restorative justice, juvenile offender, rehabilitation program, guilt experience, responsibility, conditions of responsibility formation, subject, subjectivity, subjective matureness of a juvenile offender, psychological support
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