Organisational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of moral values in cadets of the ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan to prevent corruptive behavior
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Abstract (English):
In the era of law enforcement reform, it is very important to pay close attention to the quality and content of the personal structures of graduates of departmental educational institutions. The basis of the philosophy of policing in Kazakhstan today is the idea of a helpful police officer who fully meets the needs of society and the requirements of the state. One of the main requirements for police in modern Kazakhstan is resistance to corruption. The author’s idea is that the formation of moral values in cadets during their training in a departmental university can become a qualitative basis for the prevention of corruption offences of police officers in the future. The author considers some shortcomings of departmental education that hinder the process of developing moral values, and describes the conditions under which this process can take place more effectively. In addition, the author describes a model for the formation of moral values in cadets, which can be used in the educational process of the university. In describing the model the author lists criteria and indicators that will help to assess the degree of formation of moral values in cadets and conduct qualitative monitoring of the results of the work on their formation.

corruption, anti-corruption education, moral values, anti-corruption education, value-oriented education, world outlook
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