Administrative and legal aspects of economic regulation in the Russian Federation in the face of anti-Russian economic sanctions
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. The article deals with the issues of administrative and legal regulation of the mechanism for counteracting to anti-Russian economic sanctions taking into account the current state of the country’s economy and reflects the main positive results of the activities of the authorities and administration in applying of the imperative method of influencing all participants in economic activities related to the conduct of a special military operation on the territory of Ukraine. Methods. In preparing the article methods were used to analyze the current legislative and bylaws as well as available statistical indicators of the effectiveness of the application of anti-sanction legal norms based on official data from authorities and administration. Results. The author specifies the tasks of enhancing the administrative impact on the economic sphere. The measures already taken, which had a positive impact on the country’s economy under the sanctions, are named, and the directions of the imperative impact on the sphere of production and consumption are indicated. Topical issues of administrative impact on all spheres of society’s activity are outlined as a task to be solved in the context of the aggressive anti-Russian policy of foreign states. The article is an independent scientific study, anticipating another work of the author, devoted to recommendations on the application of administrative and legal methods of regulating the economy in the face of countering to the sanctions pressure of the United States and the countries of the European Union.

legal regulation, method of regulation, imperative influence, economics, economic sanctions, economic policy of the state
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