The content of the concept of «subject of a crime» under conditions of postindustriality
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Abstract (English):
The publication deals with the issues related to the characteristics of the concept of «the subject of a crime». It also analyzes some modern points of view, concerning the content of the concept of «subject of a crime». The authors note that the existing approaches to the characteristic of the subject of a crime do not meet the requirements, which have been developed in modern post-industrial conditions. The authors also draw attention to the fact that the issues related to the definition of the essence, role, place and meaning of the subject of a crime still remain unsolved. When defining the subject of a crime as a concept related to the material world, it should be noted that absolutely the entire material world consists of three components – matter, energy and information. The aim of the research is expanding the understanding the transformation of the nature and essence of the subject of a crime under conditions of postindustriality determined by the evolutionary development of mankind and scientific and technological progress. Moreover, the article is aimed at the formation, development and argumentation of scientifically based proposals regarding the recognition of not only things of the material world, but also information and energy as the subject of a crime. The authors make a conclusion that the subject of a crime can be considered as material objects (substance, energy, information), the manipulation with which can lead to encroachment on public relations protected by criminal law.

subject of a crime, object of a crime, matter, energy, information
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