Prevention of deviations in the field of anti-corruption behavior of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this article, the author proposes to consider the developed complex technology for the prevention of destructive deviations in the behavior of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation in the anti-corruption sphere, leading to legally significant negative consequences. The qualitative formation of the anti-corruption stability of service teams is especially important at the present time, during the period of a special military operation. In such tense conditions of service, the unity and rallying of state structures and society is important. Purpose of the work: development of a theoretically and practically substantiated integrated approach to the formation of anti-corruption behavior; providing methodological assistance to bodies, organizations and departments of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in planning anti-corruption activities using an integrated approach to the formation of anti-corruption behavior of employees, based on anti-corruption education. Methods of carrying out the work: a set of general scientific methods (analysis and synthesis, systemic, dialectical method of cognition), private methods of social sciences (sociological, formative). The results of the work and their novelty: is determined by the fact that the author, based on an integrated approach to the formation of anti-corruption behavior of employees of the internal affairs bodies, has developed a technology and auxiliary methodological materials that allow covering all stages of service in the internal affairs department, the period of passing the test by the trainee as an internal affairs officer, the period of registration citizen to serve in the Department of Internal Affairs and a period of two years after dismissal from the Department of Internal Affairs. The results of the work structure the approaches to anti-corruption education in the internal affairs bodies. The significance of the work lies in the fact that the developed technology, an integrated approach and methodological materials structure the activities of anti-corruption education in the internal affairs bodies. The developed methodological materials can be used in the activities of personnel departments and managers in the field of corruption prevention, serve as the basis for conducting classes in the system of professional training, legal and anticorruption education.

corruption, anti-corruption education, object of anti-corruption education, subject of anti-corruption education, means of anti-corruption education, corruption resistance
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