Organization of technical supervision of the vehicles condition in the system of ensuring road safety in Russia: experience of retrospective analysis of evolution
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Abstract (English):
One of the most iimportant areas of activity of state bodies ensuring road safety is the technical supervision of the condition of vehicles. The purpose of the research is to study the development and formation of the system of technical supervision of vehicles condition at various stages of the historical development of the Russian state. The research object: social relationships that develop during the implementation of federal supervision over road users’ respecting the requirements in the process of technical exploitation of vehicles in various historical periods. Applied research methods: comparative legal method, analysis method, formal logic method. In order to solve the determined tasks, the author makes a retrospective analysis of the formation of the state system for ensuring road safety; identifies the range of subjects involved in ensuring road safety; reveals the prerequisites and features of the implementation of the legal regulation of technical supervision, examination and registration activities of the bodies for ensuring road safety in Russia. The factors that determine the place and role of the units that ensured the road safety regime in the system of executive authorities of the state are identified; features of the organization and activity of the bodies exercising technical supervision over the state of vehicles in modern Russia are characterized. The analysis of the genesis and development of the legal regulation of technical supervision, examination and registration activities of road safety authorities in Russia showed that the areas of state activity under consideration have a number of specific features, the prerequisites for their appearance are diverse and are associated with various historical periods of the state development of Russia.

vehicles, road safety, history of technical supervision, registration and examination activities, administrative and legal regulation
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