Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the phenomena of criminogenity and criminotaxis of accentuations characterizing minors and adults predisposed to commit certain crimes. The suggested theory is insufficiently studied in domestic criminology. In psychological and forensic literature, these phenomena are considered manifestations of deviant behavior associated with accentuated states of the mind, which differ significantly from personality and behavior disorders, i.e. psychopathy. Comparison between the illegal behavior of persons with different accentuations shows that they have different criminogenic potential: from very high to extremely low. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that accentuations of various types are closely related to crimes of a certain type, that is, they form a criminotaxis of accentuations. Character accentuations, which in psychology are considered as typological models of behavior, affect the mechanism of committing a crime. The peculiarities of the criminal behavior of accentuated persons make it possible not only to predict and prevent the certain types of crimes, but also to more effectively investigate a number of crimes, as well as expertly carry out the adolescent crime prevention measures.

criminogenity of accentuations, criminotaxis of accentuations, typological models of criminal behavior
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