Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The study of any scientific problem involves the analysis and comprehension of the results of scientific activity of previous generations of scientists. Despite the fact that in domestic legal science the limits of legal regulation as a significant scientific problem have not received comprehensive coverage, the pages of various legal publications have expressed provisions that are of conceptual importance and serve as the foundation for its further research. The purpose of the study: to comprehend the results of the study of the limits of legal regulation in domestic legal science, highlighting the key ideas and provisions that contribute to the further study of the scientific problem posed. Research methods: general scientific methods and techniques of cognition (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abstraction, generalization, comparison) and particular scientific (formal-legal, structural-functional). Results: the study of the limits of legal regulation in domestic legal science made it possible to form a serious foundation for its further study. The main results include: comprehension of the basic concepts of «the scope of legal regulation» and «limits of legal regulation»; the emergence of different approaches to the problem of establishing criteria for the limits of legal regulation; formation of a classification of the limits of legal regulation; designation of the main directions in understanding the factors of establishing the limits of legal regulation.

limits of legal regulation, sphere of legal regulation, subject of legal regulation, public relations, criteria, factors
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