Features of the semantic sphere of the personality of those convicted of corruption crimes
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relevance of the study of the semantic sphere of the personality is due to the fact that the presence of those convicted of corruption crimes in correctional institutions deprives them of the opportunity to realize the need for a sense of life. Changing living conditions related with isolation from society leads to the transformation of their semantic sphere, exacerbating internal contradictions, causing personal experiences and making the realization of a life plan difficult. The purpose of this study was to study the features of the semantic sphere of the personality of those convicted of corruption crimes. The study was conducted on the basis of FKU IK-3 UFSIN of Russia in the Ryazan region. It was attended by 60 male convicts serving sentences for corruption crimes. To diagnose the features of the semantic sphere of the personality of those convicted of corruption crimes, the following methods and techniques were used: analysis of personal files, testing with the help of the personal questionnaire «Level of subjective control» (E. F. Bazhin, E. A. Golynkina, L. M. Etkind). In the course of the study, the following features of the semantic sphere of the personality of those convicted of corruption crimes were identified: high self-confidence; responsibility for ongoing events; propensity to unjustified risk; the ability to easily build favorable relationships with others, focus to achieve success by any means; a tendency not to shift responsibility for one’s failures onto other people; hard experience of their failures; in critical situations, they are able to behave decisively and calmly. Knowledge of the psychological characteristics of the semantic sphere of the personality of those convicted of corruption crimes will ensure their psychological support in places of deprivation of liberty.

personality, convicts, corruption crimes, semantic sphere of personality, correctional facilities
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