Digitalization of procedural actions: the way to accelerate and reduce the cost of criminal proceedings
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Abstract (English):
The article raises an urgent issue concerning the lack of regulation of the use of digital technologies in pre-trial proceedings in criminal cases. The authors put the problems of introducing digital technologies into criminal proceedings in the context of the need to guarantee the compliance with reasonable terms of criminal proceedings, to ensure the rights and legitimate interests of their participants and optimize public spending in general. The authors developed specific ways to solve the identified problems that negatively affect the material and procedural sides of the work done by investigator, interrogating officer and other participants in criminal proceedings. The authors propose to consolidate in the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation the possibility to send digital copies of procedural decisions and other documents to participants in criminal proceedings, to hand over copies of an indictment (acts, resolutions) with applications in digital form, the right of the parties to access the criminal case materials in the digital form. That new provisions would allow to sign a digital procedural document with a certified electronic signature that guarantees its authenticity and excludes the possibility of unauthorized changes. These proposals are supported by the results of the analysis of data on the application of the legislation of the Russian Federation and foreign states in the researched sphere.

criminal proceedings, pre-trial criminal proceedings, digitalization, remote technologies, electronic document image
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