St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
SPb, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
UDK 374.1 Организационные формы самообразования и получения образования в группах
The article analyzes scientific research on the theory and practice on foreign language training in non-linguistic higher education institutions in order to identify methodological approaches evaluated by experts as effective, and highlights the aspect of their combination. The conception that unites the authors is the recognition of foreign language competence an element of professional competence, which combines general and special competencies aimed at solving professional problems. The analysis made it possible to identify the competence-based approach as the main methodological one. A separate group of approaches is focused on the exploration of different cultures. However, within the framework of the concept of continuous advanced adult education, the need to organize the development of a wide range of knowledge is necessary not only for professional duties performance, but also for building an individual trajectory of life-long education, an involvement into diverse information environments. In educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the task of foreign language training can be regarded as a replenishment of the humanitarian component. In educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the task of foreign language training can be regarded as a replenishment of the humanitarian component. In this context, special attention is paid to the conditions creating a personal meaning of learning a foreign language not only for professional activities, but also as a tool for comprehending the polyphony of multicultural world, a way to get acquainted with different perspectives, including foreign cultures and customs, as a way of personal development.
foreign language training, higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, adult education, methodological approaches, professional competencies, proactive training, officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
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