From digitalization of society to cybercrime, cyber deviance and the development of digital deviantology
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Abstract (English):
The article reveals the main stages and specificity of socio-technological changes in the world and in Russia at the beginning of the XXI century. It is shown that digitalization and networkization are fundamental dimensions of society in the postmodern era. The main manifestations of crime and deviance in cyberspace are highlighted. It is shown that at the present stage, Internet, social networks and digital payment systems users are the main victims of the cybercrime pandemic. Research into cybercrime and other manifestations of deviance should be based on a hybridization of sociological, technological and other knowledge. It is proposed to use the methodological triangulation of empirical methods in combination with computational algorithms and big data analytics in Internet research. The author concludes that ontological and methodological prerequisites for the development of digital deviantology as an integrative sociological science about cybercrime and other manifestations of cyberdeviance have been formed.

digitalization, networkization, postmodernity, digital society, cybercrime, cyberdeviance, integrative approach, methodological triangulation, digital sociology, digital criminology, digital deviantology
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