Professional victimization of law enforcement officials in the field of performance of duties to combat crime
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Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of professional victimization of officials of law enforcement agencies, whose immediate responsibilities include combating crime. In the course of a systematic assessment of the legal status of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, serving in the most numerous in terms of the number of personnel and with the widest range of tasks to be solved among all law enforcement agencies, it was substantiated that combating crime is a victimogenic factor. The reasons for professional victim behavior are analyzed. The division of all victimogenic conditions into two groups has been substantiated: those that depend on the will of a law enforcement official and those that do not depend on his will, when, taking into account all the specifics of the situation, he could not foresee the possibility of a victimogenic situation. The typical spheres of professional activity, in which conditions are created for the emergence of a victim situation, requiring preventive influence on the part of the leadership of law enforcement agencies, are highlighted. The types of victims in relation to law enforcement are investigated, their features are revealed. The measures for the prevention of victim behavior have been structured based on the specifics of the professional duties of law enforcement officials. The number of preventive measures includes managerial, technical, informational, social and other measures.

professional activity, professional victimization, law enforcement official, occupational risk, types of victims, victim behavior, prevention
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