Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Many scientific works of sociologists, political analysts, psychologists, linguists have been devoted to the study of youth extremism, its various aspects and the fight against it. However, youth extremism still exists, and its violent manifestations destroy political and social stability in different countries including Russia. Therefore, the search for ways to counter this phenomenon continues. The purpose of the study is to clarify the concepts of youth extremism, to determine the approach to its study and the fight against it as well as to apply this approach to the predicted specific political crisis in Russia. Methodology, methods. The article uses chaos theory adapted to the analysis of social reality as a methodology for the study of youth extremism. To tackle manifestations of youth extremism, the method based on the use of so–called strange attractors is proposed. Results. The field of the research is determined through the correlation of the concepts of “extremism”, “radicalism”, “deviation”, “delinquency”. The study clarifies the concept of extremism, gives its classification, and substantiates the boundaries of its social carrier - the youth. Chaos theory is used to study youth extremism and predict the development of social crises in Russia, in which young people can take an active part. The possibility of using so-called strange attractors to prevent active performances of young extremists in a situation of a specific political crisis is shown. The scientific novelty lies in the use of chaos theory to study youth extremism in modern Russia and the fight against it. Practical significance. A concrete way of countering manifestations of youth extremism in real political conditions is suggested.

extremism, youth radicalization, sociological methodology, prevention of social violence
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