Problems of determining the subjective side of crimes related to harm to life and health during sports competitions and sports
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Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the various approaches of scientists criminologists presented in the legal literature and its criminal-legal component to the problem of sports injuries. Further, an attempt is made to determine the criminal legal boundaries of causing physical harm (injury) in the process of sports, training. Particular emphasis is placed on the content of the subjective side of the actions of the wrecker. The authors analyze various approaches of forensic scientists to the problem of sports injuries and its criminal-legal component, presented in the legal literature, make an attempt to determine the criminal-legal boundaries of causing physical harm (injury) in the process of sports competitions, training. Special emphasis is placed on the content of the subjective side of the harm done by the inflictor. Proposals are formulated for law enforcement practice in terms of accounting for deliberate or careless violation of the rules of sports competitions. At the same time, special attention is paid to the problems of law enforcement, the existence of which is due to optional signs of the subjective side of crimes, which regulate responsibility for causing harm to life and health in the course of sports and sports. The authors come to the logical conclusion that when developing the criminal-legal content of lawful harm during sports, it is necessary to pay more attention to subjective elements and signs that characterize the internal attitude of the perpetrator to the actions he has committed and the consequences that have occurred as a result of these actions in situations of lawful harm.

corpus delicti, circumstances precluding criminality, the consent of the victim, the subjective side of the corpus delicti, the rules of sports competitions and training sessions
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