Organized ethnic crime: criminal intelligence analysis, trends, and challenges
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Abstract (English):
The authors turn to the criminal intelligence perspective to analyze organized ethnic crime, its trends, patterns, and challenges as well as relevant practical approaches that law enforcement may use to counteract the unlawful phenomenon in question. Organized ethnic crime is discussed in terms of the sum of its features distinguishing it from the other types of organized crime. The authors demonstrate a demand to implement the legal definition of organized crime in order to enhance the law enforcement efficiency in counteracting the crime. The goal of the research is to define the features of the organized ethnic crime intelligence profile, analyze Russian and international legislation in the sphere of organized crime, and estimate the key focus of the prevention measures. The methods authors used involved dialectical and comparative approaches, description, formal and dialectical logic, and legal interpretation. Under current conditions, two of the main aims for the development of the organized crime counter-strategy and improvement of the efficiency of the fight against organized crime as a dangerous social phenomenon impinging the state stability are creating and implementing the definition of organized crime and adding greater punitive measures. Defining the features of organized ethnic crime, the authors consider the transnational connections, features of the organized criminal societies members, the structure of those organizations, their cast, international and internal links between the groups exposed during carrying out their illicit activities. Consequently the criminal intelligence analysis and conducted research suggest that rganized ethnic crime as an illicit social phenomenon has the following features: profit orientation; lack of ideological foundation for the criminal acts (religious background may be present); organized nature; inner structure; continuity of traditions; implementation of the material and authority resources in order to reach their goals, including blackmail, violence, and threats; control over a specific sphere of the business operations.

crime, criminal profile, criminal intelligence, organized ethnic crime, police field units, legal regulation, counteraction, law enforcement agencies
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