Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article deals with the process of criminal law protection of witnesses and victims. The legislation of the state establishes certain normative acts regulating this branch of law. It is necessary to clearly and strictly observe all measures. The world experience of this issue was also studied, where the Human Rights Convention was used. It is worth noting that each country has its own procedures and legislation, the experience of criminal legal protection is very different from the Russian legislative model of criminal legal protection of witnesses and victims. The purpose of the study is to study the criminal law protection of witnesses and victims. Main results of the study: 1. Criminal-legal protection in Russia is considered; 2. The world experience of protection of victims and witnesses has been studied; 3. The normative-legal acts in this area have been analyzed. The object of the study is witnesses and victims. The subject of the study is the main measures of criminal law to ensure the protection of citizens. The degree of development of this issue is very extensive. This study was carried out by such scientistsas I. L. Kozochkipa, A. Petrovsky, Kvashis V. E., Zaitsev O. A., Aparova T. V. and others. The research of foreign scientists, such as: Waller I.

defense, victim, witness, law, responsibility
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