Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The daily regime is the most important component of the training of hand-to-hand athletes, which has a significant impact on the body functioning and its state and the whole training process to competitions. The study substantiates the statement that for strengthening physical and mental health, as well as for the sufficient recovery after training, it is necessary to adhere the established rational daily regime, built taking into account the peculiarities of the training process. A rational daily regime allows athletes to follow the optimal rhythm of activity and, therefore, it is easier to cope with the proposed physical activity before and during the competitions. The article presents the data of the researches concerning the changes in the body functioning of hand-to-hand combatants throughout the day, covers the issues about creating the training process and the daily regime at the period of the preparation for various competitions. Such indicators as the time of motor reaction and its latent and motor components, parameters of the maximum muscle strength and muscle strength asymmetry, the data of the maximum and average blood pressure, heart rate, etc. were measured.The optimal time of the functional state of hand-to-hand athletes was determined, focusing on which the training process and the entire daily regime are created.

hand-to-hand combat; training process; rest; training sessions; daily regime; training planning
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