Realization of the right to freedom of conscience in the information and communication network Internet
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Abstract (English):
The article deals with the problems of the realization of the right to freedom of conscience, arising from the acquisition of virtual reality. The problem of improving legislation in the field of protection of the right to freedom of conscience is one of the urgent problems. Besides, the number of «Internet users» is growing, so there is the question – what kind of interaction between the virtual world and religion can be considered legal. In addition, various forms of abuse of the right to freedom of conscience appear because the development of the «Internet». In the conclusion, the author believes that the realization of the right to freedom of conscience in virtual reality is possible, but its mechanism needs legislative regulation. The purpose of the issue is to provide a scientific analysis of the provisions guaranteeing the realization of the right to freedom of conscience in the Russian Federation, to develop scientifically based proposals and recommendations for improving the legislation on freedom of conscience in order to guarantee it in the Internet. In the article the author uses a complex of general scientific methods: analysis and synthesis, formal-logical, structural and systematic, which allowed to identify the features of the implementation of the right to freedom of conscience in the Internet.

freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, guarantees, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Internet
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