Professional marginalism preventing in the process of physical training of the cadets of departmental universities
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Abstract (English):
In the article, the problem of preventing professional marginalism, which is relevant and insufficiently developed in national psychological and pedagogical researches, is considered in the aspect of the formation of its antipode as the professional identity of employees of internal affairs bodies in the educational process of departmental universities. Professional marginalism of internal affairs officers is defined as an integrative psychological phenomenon reflecting the state and personal non-belonging to the professional morality of the officers’ community, which is generated by the loss of moral values of law enforcement, deformations of professional self-awareness while maintaining formal involvement in the chosen profession. The directions and dominants of pedagogical activity are determined, ensuring the effective formation of the professional identity of future specialists in the educational process of departmental universities, contributing to professional marginalism preventing. The program of formation of professional identity and prevention of professional marginalism of future specialists of internal affairs bodies in the educational process of departmental universities is proposed. The section «Physical training» of the proposed program is given as an example including the characteristic of local goals and objectives, methods and means of conducting physical training classes, organization of cadets’ extracurricular work and their independent activities, diagnostic tools that allow for a criterion assessment of the dynamics of professional identity forming in accordance with its value, motivational, cognitive, activity and reflexive components, methodological support and results. The pedagogical conditions that need to be created in physical training classes for the effective implementation of the developed program are revealed.

professional identity, professional marginalism, physical training, pedagogical conditions
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