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Abstract (English):
Operational search activity is a complex system of interrelated organizational and tactical elements, provides timely detection and use of information necessary to solve the problems of prevention, suppression and disclosure of non-obvious, latent and disguised crimes in the conditions of counteraction from the criminal environment. There is an objective need for the most complete use of the results of the police work in criminal proceedings. The absence in the Federal Law «On Operational Search Activity» of a relevant theoretically based definition of its results is a significant legal gap. The variety of tasks of the operational search activity and the specifics of the operational tools do not allow us to consider the results of this activity as an unambiguous category. Taking into account the special nature of the information obtained by means of a criminal investigation, It is only by means of a structural theoretical and legal analysis of the activity itself that it is possible to identify the characteristic features inherent to the results of this activity and the requirements to be meet. The article offers a structural theoretical and legal analysis that justifies the author’s definition of the results of operational search activities. Only the results of operational search activities can be attributed to the results of the operational search activity. Different search potential and target orientation of operational search activities provide the opportunity to obtain three specific groups of results. The first group of results refers to information that has been identified in the implementation of individual activities or in the implementation of a specific task. The second group includes discovered and preserved material objects. The third group includes new developments that have changed the state of the social environment.

results, operational search activity, internal affairs agencies, tasks of operational search activities, information, operational search actions, employees of operational units, operational information, documental form
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