Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses theoretical basis for study of representations of persons who have committed lucrative crimes. The role of representations in regulation of social behavior is described, theoretical information and facts confirming the role of representations in regulation of criminal behavior are given. Opinions are generalised as to the specifics of the perceptions of persons who have committed mercenary crimes and corruption. Theories of «planned behavior» and «criminal thinking» in relation to the assessment of criminal perceptions are discussed. Hypotheses of empirical study of representations are defined, its procedure, methodology and methods applied are described. The sample of the survey comprises 211 former law enforcement officers convicted of lucrative and corruption crimes. The results are given taking into account the statistical assessment of differences in perceptions of impunity, victim depreciation and hedonistic attitudes. The results support the hypothesis that there are differences in perceptions between the groups to be compared, as well as differences in the relationship of these perceptions among former law enforcement officers. It is assumed that the measured perceptions influence the decision to commit a lucrative crime by encouraging a belief in impunity and victim acceptance. The conclusion is that it is promising to study perceptions as an indicator of the risk of acquisitive crime.

regulation of social behavior, perceptions of criminals, criminal thinking, impunity, mercenary crimes, corruption
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