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Abstract (English):
This article is about secure issues. Secure as the object of research is considered in the historical and socio-cultural context. Theoretical representation and secure issues in “risk society” is the object of research. The post-classical methodology used by the author assumes the analysis of security in the historical and socio-cultural context. This context is a post-modern society characterized by risk and uncertainty. In this regard, the author suggests reviewing the established ideas about security. Security includes two dimensions – objective and mental (mental, subjective), which complement each other. In this case, security is the idea of the security of the individual, the state, and society constructed by the authorities. Constructability and relativity of security are its most important characteristics in the «risk society». Today, security is one of the fundamental human rights. The content of security as a human right is also a measure of freedom. This right is guaranteed by security measures developed and implemented by the state and civil society. Such measures are aimed at the person who may pose a security threat, and the protected object. These measures are historically variable and relative to the threats that appear to be most relevant.

security, “risk society”, security measures
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