from 01.01.2013 to 01.01.2020
Novosibirsk military Institute of the national guard of the Russian Federation named after General of the army I. K. Yakovlev (kafedra grazhdanskogo pravo, docent)
from 01.01.2014 to 01.01.2020
Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
GRNTI 10.27 Гражданское право
OKSO 40.06.01 Юриспруденция
BBK 67 Право. Юридические науки
TBK 75 Право. Юридические науки
BISAC LAW011000 Civil Law
The article is devoted to the study of issues of international legal regulation of relations in the sphere of copyright protection. First of all, the author’s attention is drawn to the increasing global trend towards synchronization of national regimes of protection of intellectual property rights, the starting point of which was made in the XIXth century with the adoption of the Berne Convention. The escalation of the problem in question is related to the Internet possibilities of instant data transfer to multiple remote users that leads to speed and a great scale of intellectual property results sharing. The author gives undeniable arguments that the search for solution of the problem of illegal use of works on the Internet will be a determining factor for the consolidation of the world community with the subsequent unification of legal regulation of cross-border copyright relations. The promising avenues of international cooperation in the examined field are the following: 1) creation of a global registry of Internet sites, access to which should be restricted because of intellectual property rights violations; 2) creation of a unified international database of copyright and related rights
international agreements, copyright protection, Berne Convention, world organization of intellectual property protection, cross-border relations, Internet piracy, copyright registration
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