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Abstract (English):
Introduction. Digital technologies are booming in the modern world. The resource economy is being replaced by the innovation economy. The results of intellectual activity occupy an increasing place in the economies of different countries. But any important invention must be properly protected. The purpose of this article is to study the problems of legal regulation of patent rights in the Russian Federation. Methodology. The work used General methods of cognition-comparison, analysis, synthesis, abstraction, system, structural and functional approach, ascent from the abstract to the concrete, etc. Results: the study allowed the authors to formulate a conclusion that administrative and legal liability as a means of legal protection of inventive rights, characterized by the presence of significant potential. However, a set of reasons prevents the realization of this potential to a sufficient extent. Among such reasons, the authors, among other things, rank the problems of legal regulation of administrative responsibility and civil liability in the field of patent law. The study of some of these problems allowed the authors to form several proposals for amendments to the current legislation.

administrative liability, intellectual property, patent rights, copyright, plagiarism, coercion to co-authorship
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