Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
GRNTI 10.17 Административное право
The illegal distribution of alcohol, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances is now recognized as one of the serious threats to national security, public health and the gene pool of the peoples living in it. The spread of alcohol and drugs among minors and the increase in related administrative offenses are of particular concern. The article scientifically deals with the administrative and legal and law enforcement problems of the organization and activities of health authorities and institutions on the prevention of the use by minors of alcoholic beverages, intoxicating substances and narcotic drugs. The author describes the elements of the modern expansion of alcohol and narcotic drugs among people who have not reached social maturity, focuses on problems and solutions in the activities of the main institutions of the health system, which coordinating their activity with other participants in the system of prevention of youth administrative tort, are involved in the prevention of alcohol consumption and alcohol-containing products, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances – narcological dispensaries. The conclusions formulate the need further development of «helplines» network and counseling centers close to the population, helping families with minors to receive immediate psychological and narcological assistance; to pay attention of general practitioners (family doctors) to an early search for drug-addicted minors, their treatment, to involve public organizations in this work regularly; to strengthen and coordinate the interaction of health care institutions with the relevant structures of the internal affairs bodies (police) involved in working with difficult teenagers, educational institutions, as well as with the relevant structures of Rosmolodezh in the prevention of administrative offenses related to the use of drugs and alcohol among persons under eighteen.
administrative offenses of minors, prevention of juvenile delinquency, healthcare facilities, alcoholic beverages, alcohol, narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances
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