Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
this article deals with the issues of operational-search characteristics of the criminal personality, committing sexual crimes, types of crimes against sexual integrity and sexual freedom, the qualification of the person committing sexual crimes, its psychological characteristics, as well as issues related to the study of the criminal personality, as one of the elements of operational-search characteristics of the investigation and disclosure of crimes against sexual integrity of minors and minors. Investigative and operational investigative practice includes the development of a psychological portrait of a person unknown to law enforcement agencies, but the perpetrator of the crime Studied several types of crimes against sexual integrity and sexual freedom of minors and minors, which include sexual depravity. The article States that the subject of rape can be a male person, but women can also become criminals in this area, not only acting as an organizer, instigator or accomplice, but also as a person who commits a sexual crime. The article provides recommendations for the development of a file, which should contain the most complete information about the perpetrators of sexual crimes, the external characteristics of persons in respect of whom sexual interest was expressed. The presence of such information will make the most effective work of law enforcement agencies in the operational investigation and disclosure of these crimes, will increase the efficiency in identifying persons who have committed sexual crimes, and most importantly prevent possible serial crimes.

operational-search characteristics of the person, sexual crimes, pedophilia, sexual integrity, sexual deviation, minors
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