Beketov Oleg

Academic degree
doctor of jurisprudence sciences (speciality - VAC 12.00.14 Административное право; административный процесс)
Science rang
Academic rank
Zasluzhennyy yurist RF
  1. Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia ,
  • Journal "Vestnik of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" ,
Scientific interests
GRNTI 10.17 Административное право
GRNTI 82.13 Государственное и административное управление
VAC 12.00.14 Административное право; административный процесс
Contribution to science
Scientific activity is aimed at the development of theoretical and applied aspects of the legal regulation of the activities of the police on the implementation of her administrative supervision; the use of police force by law enforcement officials of the Russian Federation. For the first time he conducted a theoretical and legal study of police supervision. Has prepared more than 150 scientific and educational works. 19 Ph.D. theses were defended under his supervision.
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation


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